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Thread: Ah, the science of beard Prep...

  1. #11
    Member scott64a's Avatar
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    It most certainly wasn't a religious article... "...and Moses went up to the mountain with a rough beard, and God spoke to him saying, 'Moses! Your hair needs to be wetted; first with hot water and soap, then with hot water, then sacrifice a lamb unto me, then stand on one foot and begin to shave.'"
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  2. #12
    Excited Member AxelH's Avatar
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    Scott64a, it was very unkosher to shave back then for da Joos...

    I'm just glad that 5-7 minutes of soak time, after rinsing off the skin oils, is enough for me to make good use of a shaver, even in 50 degree weather...

    When I have the ability to use a soap I like to make the pre-shave lather extra wet, the increased water content facilitates the softening, then reload the brush with more soap and develop the lather into a real shaving lather.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    So, where did that come from. It's just a claim they make not backed by facts, whether it's true or not.

    Yes my new carbo magnetic blade is scientifically designed and it's properties of magnetism ensure a shave to the ultimate degree.

    Back then what was passed off as science, well....
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    Member scott64a's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    So, where did that come from. It's just a claim they make not backed by facts, whether it's true or not.

    Yes my new carbo magnetic blade is scientifically designed and it's properties of magnetism ensure a shave to the ultimate degree.

    Back then what was passed off as science, well....
    JBHoren likes this.

  5. #15
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    Thanks for the great article.

    "For the future? There may come a time when shaving—as we know it—is obsolete."

    Now, that's just crazy talk. (Hopefully it won't happen for another 1000 years.)

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