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Thread: Dryness with Uberlather??

  1. #1
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Default Dryness with Uberlather??

    So today I made my first uber lather. AOS cream, glycerin and some Williams soap. I mixed it up nice and all that jazz. I got it to what I thought was a nice creamy lather. Wet my face and got it nice and covered.

    A little while later (5 - 10 min.) I notice it starts to dry up. Especially in a couple areas where it was put on thinner. This is quite frustrating. I still take quite a while to shave. At least an hour. I blame my coarse full beard, and square jaw line with a big chin. Plus it's only my 4th shave. I shave about every 5 days or so. I'm definitely getting better at the difficult areas though.

    My wife thinks I put too much water. I think I put too little. I do shake the brush out before mixing, and then sometimes add just a dab more if needed. So which is it? Maybe I should shake less out? Or maybe its because I take so damn long for one pass. If that's why, then I can live with that. I just dab the brush in hot water and its good for a little while longer.

    Other question is, does adding glycerin require me to add more water usually? I've normally been adding like 6 drops of glycerin to my cream. I'm using CO Bigelow usually. My AOS is just a sample.

    Thanks so much for any help! *Bro fist*
    Last edited by dorknight; 10-18-2012 at 05:24 AM.
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  2. #2
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Dude you are in a whole different realm than I with your one hour shaves. Not judging, just saying. Actually - it kind of sounds fun in a laborious kind of way. But the fact is, you state it's drying on your first pass ... so about twenty minutes, you need more water.

    The solution I feel would be to add more water and mix more vigorously. More water will be your friend - even if it's 20 min. It's all about the bubbles and they need water.

    I use two maybe three drops of glycerin tops in my ubers but I doubt very much that even with your 6 that you would need to add that much more water if any... but yeah, if it's drying on you - it needs moisture. More water please.

    *edit* after re-reading my post - I just wasn't sure I stated that you might need more water . All the best of luck!
    Last edited by earcutter; 10-18-2012 at 05:43 AM.

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    dorknight (10-18-2012)

  4. #3
    Senior Member Foxhill's Avatar
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    When I started, I lathered half my face and shaved that first, then lathered and shaved the other half. Try that as well as a bit more water, like Earcutter said. Keep it up, you'll get there.
    earcutter and dorknight like this.

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  6. #4
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhill View Post
    When I started, I lathered half my face and shaved that first, then lathered and shaved the other half. Try that as well as a bit more water, like Earcutter said. Keep it up, you'll get there.
    Hey at first I thought that that was a great idea! But if you do that, you aren't keeping the one side of your face moist. Wouldn't it be better to just keep on applying and re-applying just so that your beard were still being moistened? I don't know?

  7. #5
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Thanks very much! One hour kinda sucks... Let me tell you that LOL

  8. #6
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxhill View Post
    When I started, I lathered half my face and shaved that first, then lathered and shaved the other half. Try that as well as a bit more water, like Earcutter said. Keep it up, you'll get there.
    Yeah awesome idea! I actually thought of that after I was done last night.

  9. #7
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Hey at first I thought that that was a great idea! But if you do that, you aren't keeping the one side of your face moist. Wouldn't it be better to just keep on applying and re-applying just so that your beard were still being moistened? I don't know?
    Yeah that can be a good point. But it's not like I'm going to put the lather on a dry face. Plus, my preshave cream or oil helps with that too. I'm definitely going to give it a try.

  10. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    One thing I would interject, Not all Überlather recipes are good I haven't tried the one you are using so I can't say for sure.. I have found some over the years that are fantastic, othes that are good, and a few I never used again..
    cudarunner and Scookum like this.

  11. #9
    Young Str8 Padawan dorknight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    One thing I would interject, Not all Überlather recipes are good I haven't tried the one you are using so I can't say for sure.. I have found some over the years that are fantastic, othes that are good, and a few I never used again..
    Yeah I would imagine. I just happen to have Williams soap. Was curious to try it when first start buying all my stuff. I probably would choose a glycerin based soap if I had one. I'd love to try the SRD ones.

  12. #10
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    One thing I would interject, Not all Überlather recipes are good I haven't tried the one you are using so I can't say for sure.. I have found some over the years that are fantastic, othes that are good, and a few I never used again..
    Care to share you favorite Glen???
    Any day on this side of the flowers is a good day!

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