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Thread: Pre shave oils and soaps

  1. #21
    Junior Member cula's Avatar
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    Name:  2013-01-30 21.46.42.jpg
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    The most important ingredients four pre shaving LANOLIN,GLYCERIN,OLIVE OIL,VASELINE mixed in a shaving cup.

  2. #22
    Member KCC088's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Murmle View Post
    Hey Kev,
    I am a newb to this and was having a very similar issue in that my lather would dry out as I was shaving and ended up getting sticky which would cause a suction like effect on the razor. the recommendation of making sure the water mix was right combined with some preshave oil that SirStropalot helped me out with, has made the whole problem disappear and my shaves are getting progressively better as time goes on. I also subscribe to the hot shower and conditioner for the beard right before as well. (this also gives me time to soak my brush for a while) the conditioner really seems to help soften the really wiry whiskers.

    Thanks Murmie - I've managed to get the water/lather mix working and no longer drying out (most of the time) and found it easier to stick with the one cream for a while (TOBS shaving shop) to knock out some of the variables. I've had less success with combining preshave stuff to get that super glide and also address the tougher chin bristles (though I'm finding a super sharp razor fixes the latter nicely). I tried the Proraso pre-shave cream and also the GF Trumper's skinfood, which I currently only use post shave. Both of these change the mix of water/lather quite substantially, so I put it on the backburner for a while. So thanks for the post and suggestions, it's reminded me to give it another go, now that I've got the mix about right. My own prep includes (like yours), a shower beforehand, soaking of my brush in the scuttle in the meantime and a hot towel for the whiskers, just before I lather up.

    thanks again..
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  3. #23
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    Any time i've used olive oil for anything it absolutely destroys my lather. I'd personally stay away from it, but that's just me.

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