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Thread: Softening my whiskers

  1. #21
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Before I started shaving with a straight I always shaved after a warm shower. There was no other way I could get a comfortable shave. I still try to follow that rule for me. All the preshaves in the world cannot beat it. I mean I love proraso but it still does nothing to a shower.

    As others have mentioned, it might be the razor or technique that is lacking. When first starting off you never know but to eliminate possibilities. But for that you need a 'control' razor as it were. We would need a control lather too. We live in a less than perfect world that cannot always happen. When starting out there are just so many variables.

    Anyway, I hope you find your perfect storm. I can only really suggest a good shower before hand. The preshave stuff is just an added bonus to help prep the skin and hair.
    sharptonn likes this.
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  2. #22
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Yes, Agreed. My routine of shower at nite and shave in the morning has always been something to consider when reading of the shower-then-shave. Dr Bronner's is no-go for me in the winter as it is truly an oil-getter, too much in drier weather, to me. We all have things we like which work for us and not necessarily for anyone else, Fun to read about what others do and give it a try!
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  3. #23
    ECD is offline
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    Hi I have just brought a small bottle of Dr Bronner's Castile soap now I know this is a silly Q but how much of this soap do you put on the face flannel and get it to soap I tried it yesterday but I did not seem to get any lather lather on my face or do most of you that use this soap use your hands to build up the lather or is there not meant to be any lather with this soap at all . I must admit the peppermint one does leave a nice feeling to your face though

  4. #24
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    Here is the formula for softening your whiskers:

    Water X Temperature X Time = Soft Whiskers

    The whiskers are comprised of a rather hard protein called keratin (hardness approaches copper wire or pasta of equivalent diameter). Your fingernails are made of the same material.

    Softening the beard is like making pasta. Heat the water, put the pasta in the water, and wait long enough before eating.

    Water - keep it wet for a long time, soft water is better than hard water

    Temperature - effectiveness is directly related to temperature (keep it as hot as you can take it)

    Time - longer is better (the softer your pasta/beard, the easier it is to cut - most studies indicate 70% easier)

    You can play with temperature and time. Use warm water and take more time; take less time if you can use a steaming hot towel directly to the face.

    Here is my usual protocol:

    1. Hot shower with soap to remove any water repelling oils (optionally apply rinse/conditioner, but don't rinse off).

    2. Dry body, but not the face (keep face wet at all times from here forward until your shave)

    3. Rinse face with hot water at sink and apply cheap form of water and stearic acid pre-shave (Barbasol Pacific Rush is my best smelling, low cost solution; the most expensive pre shaves use the same first two ingredients as Barbasol)

    4. Leave Barbasol on while completing post-shower tasks, whip up my favorite cream with my silvertip (soaked in a bowl of hot water while I was showering)

    5. Rinse again with hot water and apply pure glycerin to face followed by cream

    6. Shave (repeat step five for 2nd and 3rd pass)

    This routine is typical for this forum, with a few variations. It is pure physics. Any beard type will eventually yield to water, temperature, and time.

    Good Luck

  5. #25
    Senior Member matloffm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ECD View Post
    Hi I have just brought a small bottle of Dr Bronner's Castile soap now I know this is a silly Q but how much of this soap do you put on the face flannel and get it to soap I tried it yesterday but I did not seem to get any lather lather on my face or do most of you that use this soap use your hands to build up the lather or is there not meant to be any lather with this soap at all . I must admit the peppermint one does leave a nice feeling to your face though
    I just pour some in my hand and wash. I estimate about two teaspoons. I do wet my beard first and I rinse and repeat. Lately, I have been leaving the second application on until I have my lather ready, then rinse and apply lather. As you pointed out, it feels good.
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  6. #26
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    I have been using this product to soften my beard and it works well.

    Tres Semme'

    Split Remedy


    Conditioning spray

    in the black spray bottle.
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  7. #27
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    I wonder if softening is only needed for certain kinds of beards. Using a hot towel doesn't seem to make any difference for me.


  8. #28
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    nuck nuck nuck.........eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    All I ever do is splash hot water on my face briefly, lather and shave. I don't know whether this softens my whiskers very much, but they're gone after my shave.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Zorro's Avatar
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    Here is my routine for now:

    Wash face with hot water and soap.

    Make your lather, I add a few drops of lanolin to a Proraso cream and mix well. I use warm water to make my batch.

    Strop your blade.

    I then prep my face with cold cold water. This makes the hairs stand out. The cold water tightens the muscles and the hairs react accordingly.

    Apply lather and work it in thoroughly.

    Start shaving and I do not know if you stretch the skin or not but that makes a difference too.

    Hope this helps!

  10. #30
    Does the barber shave himself...? PA23-250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Very different product, esp as reading the label!
    "All one or none! All one or none! Exceptions eternally? Absolutely none!"

    Great stuff for beard prep (oil removal) & an entertaining label to boot!

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