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Thread: My first Pinaud Clubman experience

  1. #1
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Default My first Pinaud Clubman experience

    I've been wearing this for two days now and love it !!
    It's such an enjoyable scent I transferred it to an old Pinaud bottle to do it justice.

    The purists may cringe at this next bit though....?

    I cut off the threaded top of the plastic bottle and (sparingly) epoxied it to the vintage bottle.
    So I managed to recycle the nice green lid and the "orifice-pourer-insert" instead of resorting to a cork.
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    I then went to the 'bay and ordered a 6oz bottle of Lilac Vegetal, despite some mixed reviews of this particular A.S.
    Wouldn't you know it, after ordering it I found a matching glass bottle with labels and the original top !!
    Far easier and simpler than the above process.

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  2. #2
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    I used to love Clubman, but I haven't had any for a while. AS and Soap/Cream 'collecting' is a problem as one needs to USE up the stuff; so I normally have a big splurge about tax time each year, which lasts me for a year! I may add Clubman to the current wish list!

    Love the bottle for the Clubman, not so much the Lilac Vegetal
    irish19 likes this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I used to love Clubman, but I haven't had any for a while. AS and Soap/Cream 'collecting' is a problem as one needs to USE up the stuff; so I normally have a big splurge about tax time each year, which lasts me for a year! I may add Clubman to the current wish list!

    Love the bottle for the Clubman, not so much the Lilac Vegetal
    Hey mate, I had no idea that RAD would lead to HAD would lead to BAD would lead to SAD and on it goes....
    I can't find an older LV bottle at present, don't know if it even exists ?....I'm just finding out that glass seems
    to make the E.P. stink better than plastic, but this could be a symptom of my OCD-collecting
    A case in point:
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  4. #4
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bongo View Post
    Hey mate, I had no idea that RAD would lead to HAD would lead to BAD would lead to SAD and on it goes....
    I can't find an older LV bottle at present, don't know if it even exists ?....I'm just finding out that glass seems
    to make the E.P. stink better than plastic, but this could be a symptom of my OCD-collecting
    A case in point:
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    Oh my goodness gracious... They ARE nice bottles. I don't really have a AD at the moment, I just splurge once a year as I said, I don't know how some guys actually GET through all the soaps and aftershaves and stuff...

    Just know your post has prompted me to get some Clubman again. also on the AS list is a Bay Rum (maybe Dominica - it's nice and it's cheap, maybe Bigalow) and maybe these [ Fine Classic Aftershave Splash - In Six Scents ] and maybe Speick and maybe Floid.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Lince's Avatar
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    Clubman is a regular in my rotation. I also obtained and use an old glass bottle.

    Now, as far as the "Veg", I am not one of the chosen............

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    Welcome to the "Club".
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  9. #7
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lince View Post
    Clubman is a regular in my rotation. I also obtained and use an old glass bottle.

    Now, as far as the "Veg", I am not one of the chosen............

    Fair enough Bob, truth be told, I've read more negative comments about LV than positive....but I want to try it nonetheless.
    What is your opinion of LV ?....
    It's good to see that someone else is "decanting" into glass their favourite A.S.

  10. #8
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    Be sure to join us for "Clubman Friday"...
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  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I like it other than during allergy season...then it adds to the ittty bitties and sneezing follows.
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  12. #10
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    "resorting to cork"?

    I loves me some cork, especially for drinking jugs. Diggin the old bottles fer sher.

    The hardware store has a bin of various sizes...

    Also, I keep some Clubman in the truck so i can be "fresh" on the go.
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