
I've gone the other way: have always used modern scents but realise that they're all so, well, similarly modern!

I still like the smell of Issey Miyake, and I'd recommend that as a distinctive modern scent. They have a citrus version which is sold in summer months, and the traditional scent which has sandalwoods and musk. And it seems popular with my female friends (that makes me sound like a gigolo -- alas, I'm not, just a humble husband whose wife has lots of friends).

Anyway, I found myself a little bored of modern scents and when I started straight razor shaving I bought the Trumpers Coral skin food as a way to help the razor burn, which had more to do with bad shaving/stropping/honing technique than sensitive skin.

Anyway, I just loved the rose water smell with the Coral. And my wife went mad for it. Since then I've also got hooked on DR Harris Arlington Aftershave Milk, which also has something of the old school about it.

So there you go, for modern try Issey Miyake, but maybe get yourself some samples of traditional stuff. You might find one you like. And nowadays it's far cooler to be old-school than follow the Burberry crowd!