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Thread: Anyone ever made their own bay rum After shave?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Anyone ever made their own bay rum After shave?

    If you have how did it turn out?

    I use pinaud clubman and really like it but also using a balm sometimes to but I find the size of bottle for pinaud clubman is much to large it will take so long to go through and I like trying new scents
    Also someone told me if I put the pinaud in a nice decanter it will age nicely over time ?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    I keep meaning to try this "recipe" but never get around to it.
    Forget where it and the home-made label came from.
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    If you're talking about Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum then yes,
    it mellows very nicely in glass.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Mack's Barbers Guide has recipes for Bay Rum as well as other barbering related products. The Bay Rum is on pages 94-95.

  4. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    If you run a search, there is at least one thread with a bunch of recipes on here somewhere.
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  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    At one time this was a very popular topic. We have numerous threads about making your own.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Absolutely! I got my recipe from a good friend who made me promise to keep it a secret, but it is the best aftershave I've ever used hands down! But I will tell you to use good overproof white Jamaican rum, real bay oil, and let it steep for a few weeks with the spices you use. Don't get too hung up on exact measurements-my best batches come from just tinkering with the recipe. Add what you think you'll like, and you probably will be right.
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  7. #7
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    I have been obsessed with making my own Bay Rum ever since my favorite, Dominica, was unavailable for almost a year. It has become available again, but that hasn't stopped me from trying to duplicate.

    I have tried many different types of alcohol as a base. I've used Bacardi 151, white rum, Jamaican rum, Martinique Rum, vodka, Everclear and many combinations of these. Although it would be nice to use actual rum in my Bay Rum, I find it's sugar base to be a bit sticky and all but 151 aren't high enough alcohol content. I find Everclear to be the best base for me.

    I've also used many kinds of spices. I've used dried West Indian bay leaves, Jamaican allspice berries, whole cloves, cinnamon sticks, vanilla beans, orange zest and lime zest. I could never seem to get enough of a bay smell using the dried leaves, but then I discovered Bay essential oil and that made a big difference for me.

    I think I recently discovered just about the exact formula to replicate Dominica. The secret was simplicity. Although Dominica only lists alcohol and bay oil as ingredients, I could have sworn that I smelled cinnamon and Jamaican allspice in it. I tried many variations and just couldn't get it right. I got some great smelling formulas and will replicate a couple of them in the future, but couldn't get that perfect Dominica scent. Then I figured, what the hell, I'm going to go with what the bottle says and just try bay oil and alcohol and BOOM, there it was. I did dilute it a touch with distilled water because the straight Everclear evaporates very quickly. My Dominica formula is:

    5 oz Everclear
    2 oz Distilled water
    100 drops Bay essential oil

    I bought a six pack of 7 oz Coronas (Coronita) and some corks that I mix in. This formula I mix and use right away, but I do have a bottle of it sitting in a cool, dark, closet in my basement to see if it changes over time. I figure I'll leave it there for 2 months, then check it.

    My favorite, non-Dominica formula so far is:
    10 oz Everclear
    2 oz White Rum
    1 tbsp Jamaican allspice berries (whole)
    2 Cinnamon sticks (broke in half)
    90 drops Bay oil

    Put all ingredients in a mason jar and let it sit in cool, dark, place for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, run it through a coffee filter twice to get rid of the organic material (I change the filter a couple times as it gets clogged) and add 4 oz distilled water. I store it in an empty Russian River beer bottle (very cool old bottle shape) with a synthetic cork.

    That recipe is quite spicy, yet still very bay oil dominant. I'm down to about 4 oz left of that one and will probably reproduce it shortly.

    Enjoy! It's a lot of fun making your own aftershave.


  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to murf For This Useful Post:

    bongo (08-01-2015), Lolita1x2 (08-01-2015)

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