As part of the never ending saga of creating the ultimate shave den, and to make my GF wonder what goes on in my head sometimes... i have recently bought in a few aftershaves and colognes.

After some reading here i decided i wanted a bottle of Tabac in the den. I ordered said Tabac, and it arrived today.

I opened the bottle this afternoon and took a long whiff.. The scent said one thing.. Grandpa. I got the bottle home and made my little brother take a sniff. He confirmed, yup that's what Grandpa smelled like.

Well its been a few years since i smelled that scent since my G'pa passed 2 years ago.

I guess i'm just really excited about this cologne, because it reminds me of him, and i miss his old ass like the dickens. They say scent is the sense most strongly connected to memory and this has brought a few flooding back. I never knew what the cologne he wore was called, but he always had it on. I'm 97 percent sure this was it.

I might go through this bottle pretty quick.

A little shaving miracle.. if you will.