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Thread: Need help choosing after shave

  1. #1
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    Default Need help choosing after shave

    Picking up some Dr Harris shaving soap and needing to get a few more things but looking for suggestions for aftershave and maybe a new brush. (using a cheap boar brush atm)

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Aftershave is hard to recommend as fragrance smells different on each individual. Personally I like Old Spice and Obsession for Men. After each shave I finish with witch hazel.

  3. #3
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    Alright I will look around at different aftershaves then, will head over to other forum and ask about a new brush, thanks for help

  4. #4
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Cant go wrong with Clubman. I tried 10 or 12 until i got some Clubman, now im very happy.
    If your wanting a low cost badger brush there are lots to choose from. Even if you want a high cost brush there are lots to choose from. Whippeddog have a few for sale in the low cost area. Id recommend you do a search on brushes and you will get lots of info. Just search the forum. 300 bucks will get you a great brush, or 10 brushes. Ha.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member yondermountain91's Avatar
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    Default has a samples section where you can try a small amount to see if you're going to like it first. Always a good option. They also have a crazy awesome shaving soap sample section. Hope this helps.
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  6. #6
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    I like proraso green. The menthol is cooling, and the allantoin helps with aftercare. The scent is classic and not too much for everyday wear. My go to AS.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I,m going to give you the best advise there is on aftershaves and colognes, LET YOUR WIFE PICK THEM UP FOR YOU. I wear some very nice colognes, but left to my own resources id wear Aqua Velva Ice Blue, so that is my suggestion on scents. as for a brush just stop all the looking and buy a Shavemac and be done with it and never wonder if you got a great deal. as to the knot that's up to you but they have some of the finest being made today,, if you want some scratch or if you want ultra soft they have it ,, just talk to them and tell them your preference. so ends the advise Tc
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  8. #8
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    TC is right: you can never go wrong with a shavemac brush. The only shavemac knot I don't like is the DO1, which feels like lathering with a porcupine. Too scratchy for me. My shavemac brushes are custom: 24mm knot, 50mm loft two-band silvertip. They are sweet.

    You will also do well with the Semogue high density silvertip, a relatively inexpensive silvertip brush but a good one.

    The Thater brushes have silky tips and are always a joy to use. What I don't like in the Thater brushes are the relatively high lofts, and the octagonal handles, which I find quite uncomfortable. Still, you can never go wrong with a Thater finest silvertip.

    Vulfix makes excellent brushes, especially if you like soft and somewhat floppy. The Vulfix 41 in silvertip is a gem, especially if you like a big brush. It is dense with good backbone and relatively soft tips.

    Simpson Tulip 3, Persian Jar 2 and 3, Polo 8 and Chubby 2, all in super badger knots, are exceptional. Simpson also offers the Duke 3, the Commodore 3 and the No. 58 in best badger. These are excellent brushes, especially the No. 58. I am not fond of the Simpson best badger knot for being a wee bit too scratchy for me. You, however, might like the knot.

    As for aftershaves, we have the balms and the splashes. I don't know which you're inquiring about. I'll note what I use, just to give you a start. For balms, Castle Forbes is king. I also like Institute Karite, Muhle, Esbjerg, Baum.Be, and some of the D.R. Harris and Truefitt & Hill stuff.

    For splashes, well that's a big topic. The designer aftershave splashes and colognes all smell alike to me and I don't particularly care for them. I have Dior for Men, but that was a gift. I like the old stuff, or relatively old stuff. Truefitt & Hill's Spanish Leather, if I have a signature scent, is pure delight. Woods of Windsor — if you can find it — Halston, English Leather, Royal Copenhagen, British Stirling, Canoe and Annik Goutal are fine aftershave and cologne splashes.

    For the citrus scents, I prefer Taylor of Old Bond Street No. 74 Victoria Lime, Alvarez Gomez and Trumper's lime.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    There are two after shaves balms that I really like: Castle Forbes essence of Limes, and Santa Maria Novella. They both smell great, and really make my skin feel great also.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    If you value performance over scent, I would definitely recommend Castle Forbes aftershave balm. Really soothes the skin after shaving and comes in Lime, Cedarwood/Sandalwood, and Lavender. I haven't tried any splash-on varieties but can also recommend George F. Trumper's skin foods. Decent stuff but not nearly as effective for me as CF. Hope this input helps you out.
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