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Thread: Choices

  1. #1
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    Default Choices

    I'm of the opinion that,aside for personal preferences and enjoyment,that the decision for use an aftershave and/or cologne depends,considerably,on one's own particular body chemistry.
    Now,the first purpose of an aftershave is to serve as an antiseptic,to cleanse,heal,and cauterize the myriad nicks,wounds,and other abrasions incurred during the process of shaving.So,an ordinary rubbing alcohol would serve the purpose.
    But,the other purpose(only one?)is to impart a fragrant aroma that can assist in enhacing other's own attractiveness.And this is where personal attributes enter into the picture.
    I,personally,use Mennen's Skin Bracer,Aramis(either cologne or aftershave),or brut.Helps to enhace me.Grey Flannel did absolutley NOTHING for me.And Ralph Laurent had one called Safari that smelled like one just came back from Safari,and hadn't bathed during the entire sojurn.It reminded one of the wind coming in from over the stockyards

  2. #2
    Look Ma, I gots me a custom title! Doc4's Avatar
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    Yeah, you have to take body chemistry into account. An otherwise popular and fantastic scent may smell like absolute Zeepk on you!

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    So you want to be a chick magnet eh? Most of those brands you mentioned I used about 30 years ago. I suprised they still sell them! Get yourself some nice English after shave or cologne you'll be glad you did.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    +1 on the English scents. Those Department store brands all seem the same. Try some Penhaligons, T&H, Trumper, Floris, Taylors, etc. Oh, and don't forget about Tabac (not English, but...)


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