Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post

Where can I find more info about this AS balm? Any reviews, links?

As far as the quality of the balm itself: I can't speak to it personally, although I certainly ordered some, but I'm guessing that some searches for QED Aftershave Balm might turn something up. After all, as Don says in the original post, this is the standard QED Balm with a custom scent added. SO as to a review of the scent, well all I had to go on was Don's word and the reactions he reported from others. I was simply game to try something new, but I think the popularity of this group buy speaks for itself.

Quote Originally Posted by psdarby View Post
I'm up for a tub. They still in stock?
If you read back a little, I think you'll see that they are not still in stock, as they have not yet been in stock. Those of us who got in on the initial offer are still waiting in anticipation. However, by posting your desire for a spare here, you have staked your claim should there be any left after the four people who posted their interest above you. Four sounds a reasonable number, so hopefully you have a good chance!