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  1. #1
    Senior Member mastermute's Avatar
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    Default Home made Skin Food

    After having read that the GFT Skin Food is more or less glycerine I decided to try to make my own. So, last night I went out into the garden and got me some lavender twigs and put in a glass of water. I let it draw overnight and this afternoon i mixed it 1:1 with veg glycerine. Just had my first shave using that as pre-shave.. just great! I would say it even surpasses the GFT Skin Food!

  2. #2
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    that sounds cool. skin food has some kind of gum as a thickener too I think.

  3. #3
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    Um. well technically skin food is a mix of glyscerin and rose water. Rose water is not water that has roses soaking in it. It is a distalation of the rose essence that includes the esential oils and juices. This can be done with other things like herbs and limes and so on as well. The thing is though that the stuff does need refrigeration or preservatives to last more than a few short weeks. Here is the primer on making rose water again. I do this regularly when I piss off the girlfriend.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mastermute's Avatar
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    Thanks for that link! I'll try that next time!

    This works great so far; I applied it after the shower, before stropping, and all through the stropping I had this hint of lavender, lovely! I bet doing it "the correct way" will make it even better.

    It's true that the original Skin Food is thicker, but I think I prefer this thinner version, doesn't feel so "heavy"... YMMV of course... as always

  5. #5
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Thanks for that guys - I never really knew what skin food was before. I thought it was some sort of nutrient-rich "oil of Olay" for men or something.

    May have to give it a go.

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  6. #6
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Topher View Post
    Um. well technically skin food is a mix of glyscerin and rose water. Rose water is not water that has roses soaking in it. It is a distalation of the rose essence that includes the esential oils and juices. This can be done with other things like herbs and limes and so on as well. The thing is though that the stuff does need refrigeration or preservatives to last more than a few short weeks. Here is the primer on making rose water again. I do this regularly when I piss off the girlfriend.

    I think I'll get SWMBO a quart... er, a dozen roses for Mother's day.

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