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  1. #1
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    Default Dominica Bay Rum After Shave

    Hi Gents,
    My father was ordering a DE to supplement his straight razor collection on Classic Shaving when we both thought that since we were being dinged with shipping charges anyhow, it may be a good time to pick up a few odds and sods.

    We've both been thinking about Bay Rum aftershaves, and Classic Shaving sure does have a good long list. I didn't really know which one to choose, but remember seeing the Dominica Bay Rum after shave a lot in the SOTD thread, as well as elsewhere on SRP.

    I just wanted to know how others liked this particular Bay Rum, and their impressions of it - is it particularly old-time in smell? Dark and spicy or light and fresh? How do you think it compares to other Bay Rums on the market? Any description you can offer would help as I sit here and wait (in)patiently for my order to arrive.


  2. #2
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    Instead of ordering, make your own so you can get either old or fresh. I just mixed batch number 3 last night. My first (which is still steeping) is a darker smell. Number 2 is fresher, lighter, more of a fruit smell. Number 3 is a modification of number 2 with ingredients adjusted slightly to see what would happen. It's as fresh, but with a different "bite" in the nose. Both recipies are here on the site. I mean, to me it doesn't make sense to spend more money just because money is being spent on shipping. No offense.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Light and fresh IMHO and feels great on the face Mark!!!!
    the other one that is high on my list that Classic carries is the Cap't Smiths
    that is dark and spicy and a great conditioner once the hell fire cools down

    Check out this thread Mark...

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    Milton Man (10-24-2008)

  5. #4
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    Thanks for the good info, Glen - as always, much appreciated!


  6. #5
    Senior Member persco's Avatar
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    Just received some Dominica Bay Rum today. Shaved this evening and used it afterward. I like it very much! Quite a bit "clovier" than I thought, but the sensation afterward is great following quite a zing for the first few seconds. It lingers nicely as a clove/bay scent that is not too strong. Oddly, it is the first aftershave my wife says she likes... She hates L'Occitan Cade, Herban Cowboy, Pre de Provence, Weleda... you name it. But she likes this one. Go figure.


  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by persco View Post
    Just received some Dominica Bay Rum today. Shaved this evening and used it afterward. I like it very much! Quite a bit "clovier" than I thought, but the sensation afterward is great following quite a zing for the first few seconds. It lingers nicely as a clove/bay scent that is not too strong. Oddly, it is the first aftershave my wife says she likes... She hates L'Occitan Cade, Herban Cowboy, Pre de Provence, Weleda... you name it. But she likes this one. Go figure.

    Hmmm, I find Dominica to be one of the less clovy/cinnamony Bay Rums. It's all relative I guess. Dominica is probably my favorite along with Royall. I think they are lighter and fresher - more bay spice than clove or cinnamon. I tried Oglalla(SP?) and felt like a baked good afterward.

    Either way, the scent doesn't really linger. It's very refreshing after a shave though. Enjoy.


  8. #7
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Scott, you might want to give Brummel a try. I got mine from Leon at The Vintage Scent - Powered by CO.CC He still is running his special. I really like that scent.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    Just ordered the Captain Smiths today, so I'll write up a little review when I can compare both. Thanks for all the great input, guys!


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