Quote Originally Posted by HarrisonFan View Post
Hey Randy, I have made a couple aftershaves as well as some perfumes for the wife and presents for my mom, sister, and sister in law.

For the aftershaves I have used a combination of essential oils, witch hazel, distilled water, vodka, and a very small amount of olive oil with pretty good results.

For Perfume I have used a mixture of essential oils, distilled water, and a high alcohol content vodka (I suppose most people may use perfumer's alcohol but I'm not that serious). You can also use a normal vodka but the resulting perfume will get cloudy.

For either I usually combine in a glass jar and shake for a few minutes every day for about 2 weeks.

I don't have the ratios of everything with me, but have them written down at home if you are interested.

About the wildflower, could you post a picture of it? My wife is pretty good with plants so she might have some idea.


Thanks Zac, I will orbably be harvesting some more of the flower in about 2 weeks. when I go picking blackberries in Wisconsin. We can get together after that.