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Thread: clubmen bay rum

  1. #1
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    Default clubmen bay rum

    I was at a different walgreens than I normally go to and they had clubman bay rum, so I thought I would give it a go. Well I love the scent, not very bay like much more clove, but I like it. I think it smells like pie! I will say that the word "sting" in the understatment of the decade. Holy cow that stuff must be 95 proof! I like the burn of an alcohol but wow babby that stuff is like the surface of the sun. I think I like it.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You see, that stuff is a great test of your shaving abilities. There should be little or no sting. If you have a lot it means you either need to work on your razor or your skills shaving.

    Your right that stuff is almost all alcohol. However its cheap and smells good.
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  3. #3
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    I am sure I do need some more skill, but I like the sting. The stuff does smell great and is cheap as. I was pumped to find it locally.

  4. #4
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    The fun part is that if you go to their website, they'll show you the locations that have the item in stock.

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    Default An alternative

    Quote Originally Posted by iguanamark View Post
    I was at a different walgreens than I normally go to and they had clubman bay rum, so I thought I would give it a go. Well I love the scent, not very bay like much more clove, but I like it. I think it smells like pie! I will say that the word "sting" in the understatment of the decade. Holy cow that stuff must be 95 proof! I like the burn of an alcohol but wow babby that stuff is like the surface of the sun. I think I like it.
    Go to Sally Beauty Supply and pick up the Master Bay Rum. If you like it (I like it better) you can order it by the gallon... literally! And it's even cheaper then Clubman.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DistortedPenguin View Post
    Go to Sally Beauty Supply and pick up the Master Bay Rum. If you like it (I like it better) you can order it by the gallon... literally! And it's even cheaper then Clubman.
    Awsome! thanks, I will try that out. My mom is a hair dresser too, so I'll bet she can get it wholesale!

  7. #7
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Funny, I started with the Master Bay Rum from Sally and the Clubman for a local Walgreens and always thought it was great.
    Until I got some samples from Ogallala and got myself a bottle of Dominica BR. Ever since I gave both the Master BR and Clubman BR away. My personal preference goes to more BR and less Clove. YMMV off course. None the less I did enjoy both the Master BR and Clubman BR.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    You see, that stuff is a great test of your shaving abilities. There should be little or no sting. If you have a lot it means you either need to work on your razor or your skills shaving.

    Your right that stuff is almost all alcohol. However its cheap and smells good.
    Ah! That explains it. Ogallala was the only Bay Rum I'd used until last week when I picked up a bottle of Pinaud's Clubman. (I think I prefer the Ogallala but the Clubman is available locally and it's --well, cheap.) The first day I used it, I thought, "Wow! This stiff is like a porcupine in a bottle!" The second day there was very little sting. The difference was in my rotation. Day one I had used my Revisor which admittedly needs to be sent out. The second day, I switched to my trusty little Torrey. What a difference.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Funny, I started with the Master Bay Rum from Sally and the Clubman for a local Walgreens and always thought it was great.
    Until I got some samples from Ogallala and got myself a bottle of Dominica BR. Ever since I gave both the Master BR and Clubman BR away. My personal preference goes to more BR and less Clove. YMMV off course. None the less I did enjoy both the Master BR and Clubman BR.
    Yeah I like the Ogallala as well but just don't wear Bay Rum bcause it only lasts about an hour on me so I could never justify the expense.

  10. #10
    Straight Shaver Apprentice DPflaumer's Avatar
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    The good news is that SWMBO is getting me some Dominica for Christmas. Definitely a keeper there, she actually asked for shaving related gift ideas.

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