I was getting my hair cut a couple of days ago from my favorite barber, you know, the kind that shaves your sideburns and the back of your neck with a straight razor and talks football, country western music and why our troops should be in Afghanistan, when his bottle of aftershave ran dry. To refill it, he reached under the counter and pulled out a jug of Witch Hazel, filled it two-thirds full of the Witch Hazel then topped it off with Pinaud.
Needless to say, I immediately went to the store and bought a bottle of Witch Hazel and made up the same formula for myself. I had always wondered why when using just the Pinaud aftershave, the aroma never lasted as long as when I went to the barber. Now I know. The aroma from the witch hazel/pinaud mixture lasts all day long. Now, at 5 pm, all I have to do is close my eyes and inhale and I can imagine myself just getting out of that barber chair. I've even gone so far as to mix the witch hazel with my Bay Rum with the same long lasting effect.
Has anyone else tried this or do you have other formulas for your aftershaves?