I'm with Michael, I dont know if I would trust a doctor that told me I would be better off using a chemically laden gel, instead of the good natural soaps that are available(everything put on your skin is absorbed by your skin). I had problems at first with my face getting irritated from my shave cream. It is the castle and forbes for sensitive skin(lime), but when I applied it, my face would start to burn. I was building the lather on my face and thanks to some posts around here found that if the lather is not built right we can end up with un-suitable amounts of the ingredients in contact with our skin. Since switching to building my lather in a mug and getting it diluted to the proper levels before putting it to my face the irritation is gone. I also found that this shaving with cold water thing that has just started around here, works wonders with facial irritation, I cant ever see myself going back to hot shaving. For a while I couldnt tell if it was just a heat rash on my face or razor burn, now that I dont use heat, I know that it is razor burn and I dont get it anymore. Good luck finding a solution.