Quote Originally Posted by FatboySlim View Post
The Perfumed Court has Domenico Caraceni decants in multiple sizes. They ship Internationally by air parcel post pretty inexpensively. They are based close to me, and I've used them to buy many sample decants. Always great service. All their decants come in little labeled glass vials, I generally buy 5 or 6 different decants to try, for a little as $2 or $3 a vial.
I ordered the Caraceni yesterday. Little did I know though that they do others, but it was too late - I had already put my order in. I wanted to try SMN Melograno to see how it compares with the Caraceni.

I've read some reviews on the Caraceni - is it really similar to C&S No. 88? What else does it compare with? Of course, I could just wait for the sample to arrive and that will answer all my questions...