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Thread: First Aid Stick

  1. #1
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Default First Aid Stick

    Okay, so when I ordered some soap from mamabear, she sent me an interesting freebie to try out. It's a first aid stick with some really incredible healing properties made by her friend Mary. I'd given myself a nick on the upper lip and after applying the styptic block like I normally do, I applied this stick. Now mind you I typically use the GFT Coral Skin Food and I still end up with a spot or two of crusted blood afterwards. Well after applying this stick and waking up the next morning, the only thing I had was a very faded pink spot where the nick used to be. I think this product has a lot of potential, but some people might not be too keen on it since it has the consistency of a lip balm. Mamabear is willing to send out some sample sticks to people to try out and all you have to do is pay shipping. Would some people be interested in giving this product a spin and providing an honest writeup of their impression of it? If so, shoot me a PM with your email address and I'll get those to Sue.

    *EDIT* Just an update to this. Sue has 8 sticks that she can send out and the shipping would probably only run $2 per stick to ship. I cannot emphasize enough just how cool this stuff is, so get a free stick while the getting is good.
    Last edited by mgraepel; 04-27-2006 at 09:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member EdinLA44's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna give it a try.

  3. #3
    Mama Sue... the enabler Mama Bear's Avatar
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    Default First Aid Stick Freebies for trial

    Quote Originally Posted by EdinLA44
    Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna give it a try.
    We are down to 5 of the first aid sticks freebies which are almost a miracle cure for cuts and burns. We are working hard to make these also stop any bleeding so that they will take care of any shaving mistake. Personally I like them in the stick form but am told that most people use a cream. I believe the consistancy of the stick will keep in the the place where it needs to be most without any running, but we are open to suggestions. "If you want to try one that doesn't stop the bleeding send $2 to [email protected] with your name and adress and I will get one off to you. I think you will be really impressed.....

    Mama Bear

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