Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post

I'm finishing a resto on a W&B. I've been looking at your wonderful W&B's and I can't tell from the photos if you're using intermediate washers between the razor and the scales.
I don't know if I'll put washers "inside" the handle, if I assemble it the scales and the overall razor looks "fat" and "large", if I take them off it looks better but I don't know if it's better to put a washer between the blade and the scales to prevent any "scales wear" around the pivot hole, see what I mean?
Hi Leon,
Actually those razors are all original except for the one that Robert did. As far as the washers between the blade and the scales goes I sometimes don't use them when I restore a razor because it reduces the friction so much that the blade moves very easily and makes it very easy to open which can be unsafe. If I did put scales on a razor and it pinches the shank so much that it squeezes the blade from the scales I will put washers in to reduce the squeezing. It does reduce the wear between the shank and the scales but you are talking about a LONG time to create any results.