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Thread: SOLD Thiers-Issard Silver Wing, Cuban Mahagony, Limited Edition

  1. #1
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Default SOLD Thiers-Issard Silver Wing, Cuban Mahagony, Limited Edition

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    I am narrowing down my collection, so I thought I will offer this quite special razor that sold out pretty quickly long time ago. It is the limited edition Thiers-Issard Silverwing with the fancy 3D logo cutout in the spine and the cuban mahagony scales.
    I have not taken new photographs, so I am including the stock ones. I will if there is an actual interest, otherwise I'll happily add it back to my other TIs. I thought it may be worth posting like this in case somebody wants it to arrive before Christmas. The razor is #8 in the series.

    Asking $420 shipping within US included, international at the cost difference.

    Below is the description from a vendor:

    After designing, improving and testing... here it is:
    The new Silverwing Third Edition limited to 350 pieces worldwide.
    This time Thiers Issard did something no one did before: They designed a new and marvelous 3-D pattern for the back!
    Thiers Issard found a special machine which is capable of cutting into round surfaces. Usually you can cut only into flat surfaces and even then not so deep and beautifully as this Crown and Fleur de Lis pattern has been done.
    Deeper areas are darker and the higher ones are highly polished.
    With this new straight razor Thiers Issard is making history again and will enrich every straight razor collection.

    And there is even more:
    The scales and the box are made from 100 years old cuban mahogani. The wood has been laquered then sandpapered lightly again and polished in the end so it looks really alive and vivid.
    It will become darker over the years and more reddish in color and will gain character this way.
    The first sequence of the back pattern has been cut deeply into the front of the scales too. So there is much to discover and enjoy here but see the photos for yourself.

    The new 11/16 blade made from the famous Carbonsong C 135 steel has been hardened to way above 60 Rockwell (HRC). This way the razor will have an excellent sharpness and very long edge retention. The design of the blade derives from the legendary 1/4 grind Le Grelot.
    This razor has a 1/4 grind too which is as near as possible to the old 1/4 grind Le Grelot. (You will find more razors with this grind at the Le Grelot Likes page here in the shop.)

    The thumb notch and upper side of the shank have been serrated for a superb grip.
    This is an excellent razor for the straight razor novice as for the advanced shaver and a must have for collectors for sure!
    The shave is marvelously smooth and gentle. I recommend this razor even for very sensitive skin.
    Limited to 350 pieces worldwide.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    Another killer razor!

  3. #3
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    Great razor! I have #41 and I can't remember the last time I had to hone it. It came shave ready-imagine that!


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    If this blade is anything like my limited edition Oakwing G (also featuring the vaunted Le Grelot 1/4 grind), it will shave like a laser! Super easy to hone despite the C135 steel, too.

    Good luck with the sale!

  5. #5
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Too bad funds are low atm, I wouldn't even hesitate to buy this one otherwise.

    If anyone is considering this one, these are absolutely gorgeous blades and superb shavers, highly recommended.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Yes, it's a beautiful razor. I’ll take it. Details in a private message.

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