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03-03-2018, 09:20 PM #1
Jose Monserrat Pou – Filarmonica Medallon Taurino 13-B 6/8"+
Once again, time for a classic... one of those things that you we all know and love, the only problem I have found with Filarmonicas is that when you have none you want one… when you have one… you want MORE! This is one of the best brands ever made and I must say… on my top 5 favorites.
Medallon Taurino 13-B, this is second generation and highly collectable because they come with (I think 6) different Bullfighting Scenes on the etching. The scene in this one is called “Rejoneo” (which is when the bullfighter mounting a horse has to places 3 flags in the back of the bull). Medallon Taurino blades are well known (as some other models of JPM) for easily getting a wicked edge and maintaining it for a long time. Excellent steel and if you are new to honing not to worry: piece of cake to bring back to laser sharp!!!
Over 6/8" (almost 13/16) and near wedge wedge, this blade is in very good shape!, the Rejoneo Scene is very clear and vivid (tried to capture it in the photos but look better in person), and the hone wear is minor. It has a bit of pitting on the scene etching (visible on the pics) but very far from the edge, so I preferred to keep the beautiful etching than clean it. This is the second MT I have to let go, keeping only my “Muleta” schene MT. I was planning to make my whole 6 scenes collection, but I’m still saving for JNATs. So… here is your opportunity to get a great filly for a very good price!
The blade is Shave Ready (for my taste; that means, my beard, skin, shaving technique etc…), but maybe some more stropping is required for your taste. Honed on progression of Naniwas up to 12k and finished in SG20K. After honed and tested, the razor has been cleaned and disinfected, a thin coat of camellia oil has been applied to protect it and will be safely packed for the travel.
Shipping (to be covered by the buyer) to almost any country using EMS for expedite delivery (about 10 business days from shipping date to deliver at your country customs office) for only $15!
(If you prefer, I can ship it for free without tracking number under buyer’s responsibility on F&F payments). Shipping within 3 business days. PayPal payment is expected within 24 hours after commit to buy the razor in this thread.
Price: $140
honing my mind...
03-04-2018, 02:35 AM #2
Sold and Paid, thanks for looking!
closing.Last edited by gabrielcr78; 03-04-2018 at 03:33 AM.
honing my mind...