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Thread: Any info on an old Griffon Razor

  1. #1
    Junior Member bluefizz87's Avatar
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    Default Any info on an old Griffon Razor

    Hello everyone!

    I just bought an old razor off of ebay and was wondering if anyone had any info on it, or knows where I can get it.
    Its a Griffon Cutlery Works # 05 razor. I got it very cheap. I found some info on the company, but not much.
    It has 05 and Griffon on one side, and Griffon Cutlery Works Germany on the other. It also has 49B stamped on the tang. It has a little bit of rust around the pin and has a crack in the scale. Just wondering if it would be wroth it to have it fully restored.

    Name:  1069353_10152077929887468_171301947_n.jpg
Views: 577
Size:  40.4 KB

  2. #2
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I have a Griffin 60 and it’s a wonderful shaver (came in the original coffin box and with some Mothers and very little time and work and it looks brand new)! Takes one hell of a nice edge!!

    It was an old friends grandfather’s but neither he nor any of his brothers or their sons wanted it! Their loss!!

    I hate to use the words here in these sacred halls but they all use ‘electric shavers’!!!

    Get that razor to a Pro honer for examination and a hone and you my friend will really be better off!!

    Looks like a Great Score!

    I have my favorite Restorer/Honer, PM me and I'll tell you who I'd highly recommend!
    Last edited by cudarunner; 07-17-2013 at 05:15 AM.

  3. #3
    Junior Member bluefizz87's Avatar
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    Thanks for replying!

    Its a nice razor! I plan on getting it honed and restored.

    It was a big change coming from my 6/8 Steel Dovo, but it still feels great.

    I hate to use the words here in these sacred halls but they all use ‘electric shavers’!!!
    Ive never used an electric shaver, and never will!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I found this in an online directory from 1904:

    Name:  griffon cutlery 1904.JPG
Views: 527
Size:  20.6 KB

    And this from 1920:

    Name:  griffon cutlery 1920.JPG
Views: 499
Size:  10.7 KB

    A. L. silberstein was part of a group of cutlery manufacturers/dealers (others in the group included Vom Cleff & Co, Graef & Schmidt, Krusius Bros., etc, etc) who approached the government about the import tariff imposed on goods from other countries, citing that the average US worker in the same occupation earned twice that of a German worker, for example, so the import tariff was artificially high. I think Silberstein was the spokesman for the group.

    In the 'strops' section of this site is a Griffon Cutlery Strop-Aide bar that was posted recently.


  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Neil Miller For This Useful Post:

    bluefizz87 (07-17-2013), Geezer (07-17-2013)

  6. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:

    bluefizz87 (07-17-2013)

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You did good. I have a griffon 60 that I got on E-Bay also. I gave it a good hone and strop and it is a great shaving razor. One of my favorites. You can restore it or just use it as is. Enjoy.

  9. #7
    Junior Member bluefizz87's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone!

    Anyone happen to know what the "05" means? Or what the 49B means on the tang?
    I know on the Carbo Magnetic theirs a "60". That was going to be my next buy if I can find it for the right price and condition.

  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    there are some griffon 60's on e-bay now. be careful as some of the blades have been oversharpened. make sure the edges are straight and parallel to the spine. I am referring to the razors that are real cheap. $10 to $25.

  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    You did do good! The steel quality in most of them is excellent. I have both the straight razor and the SE. Lather catcher versions of the Griffon wedge blades.

  12. #10
    Junior Member bluefizz87's Avatar
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    there are some griffon 60's on e-bay now. be careful as some of the blades have been oversharpened. make sure the edges are straight and parallel to the spine. I am referring to the razors that are real cheap. $10 to $25.
    I was looking at some of those, but some of them are in such bad shape. (One had half the blade broken off, another had an inverted smile).

    How would you be able to tell if it has been over sharpened from the pictures?

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