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Thread: Proper Useage of Barbiside

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  1. #1
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Default Proper Useage of Barbiside

    Well even though I’ve been using rubbing alcohol to sanitize the blades that I do for others, I’ve decided to join in with some of the Big Dogs and purchased a pint of Barbicide.

    While I find the dilution of 2 fluid oz to 32 fluid oz of water consistent during the directions, I’m puzzled by the directions for usage.

    At first it says to soak for 10 minutes, then air dry. But later it specifies that for BEAUTY/BARBERSHOP INSTRUMENTS and so on that you soak for 10 minutes then Rinse the Barbicide off and dry!

    I want to get it right! Guidance would be very much appreciated!

    Also, are there test strips that can be used to check the potency of the mixture? I don’t do anywhere near enough volume to justify the recommendation of a new batch daily! Again, Guidance please!
    Last edited by cudarunner; 08-03-2013 at 11:25 PM.

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