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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default I was hoping someone could help me date my W&B

    Good day all. I'm newly registered to SRP. I have browsed from time to time, but I've been getting more active in the shaving community. I recently picked up this SR on the bay and was hoping someone could offer assistance on dating it. It's in pretty good shape considering it seems to me it hasn't seen the light of day in a long time. All I know is that I can assume its pre-1891 due to the lack of the country of origin on the stamp. I also welcome any and all resto tips. I have cleaned up a bit of that light rust with some steel wool. I don't want to polish or otherwise introduce any chemical assistance until I decide on whether the patina stays or goes. It is a pretty color against the surfaces that touch the hone. The contrast will be quite striking I imagine with a proper hone. I appreciate your feedback and hope I have as good a time at SRP as I do at the other forums. Thank you in advance for looking.Name:  P7270040.jpg
Views: 150
Size:  51.1 KBName:  P7270069.jpg
Views: 185
Size:  33.7 KB

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Hi john, you have popped your thread into the razor club section, might be better in the razors section. No offence meant.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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