Quote Originally Posted by vmathis12019 View Post
I have two, and have found that one of them came with an incredible edge, and has been maintained with nothing but stropping and one CrOx touch-up. I love the heavy feel and it's a fine shaver.

The other, my second purchase, is of the same generation (both the newest models), but the edge is incredible harsh. I've yet to lap my Naniwa 12k, so I haven't been able to put it on the stones yet, but CrOx would not save it. I'm probably gonna take it all the way down to 8K to get it popping arm hairs, then polish up from there.

Overall, I like the razors, but the second one is presenting the challenges everyone seems to experience intermittently with them. The real question now is whether or not to tape. I've never used it before, but I am an inexperienced honer at best.
On the one that is harsh, how has it maintained its edge? I've noticed on mine that I can get a sharp edge from time to time by finishing it on a pasted strop but it doesn't hold an edge very long. I don't consider myself an expert at honing but this one was not a razor that I expected to have so much trouble with. I've had better luck with Sheffield wedges than this. I emailed Hart. I'll see if they have any advice I have not yet heard here from others.