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Thread: Need help! Gift for husband!

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Hi, I live in Perth but work in the pilbara, don't be concerned about sending a razor for honing, I have sent razors from Karratha and Perth to oz (onimaru) for honing. Overnight express is only $10 each way. And should take 1-2 days either end. Oz has a pretty good Turn around too in my experience.
    All my razors (3) are vintage. I can't speak for any new brands. With regards to other stuff, what sort of budget have you got? Neil miller strops are supposed to be fantastic, and don't have to be too spendy.
    Soaps, creams and pre/post shave things don't need to cost a fortune to be nice.
    Has your feller wet shaved before? Learning to make a decent lather is something he could be doing to reduce the quantity of things he will need to pick up. If you got him a brush and some decent quality soap early it may make life easier, or if it wouldn't dent his pride you could get these things, figure them out and have it ready/ show him how to do it. I know I would like that.
    All the best Ed.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by syslight View Post
    Yup only 450miles or so Ed is practically next door.

    Come on Jim we deal in kilometres here, divide by 5, times by eight. I am happy to help where I can, but I spend most of my time in Karratha, which is around 1700 km from perth, besides bongo is a bit south of Fremantle which is even closer. As said I am happy to help where I can.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crouton976 View Post
    Well, one thing he'll most certainly need is an education in shaving with a straight razor, and you've already located that for him.

    Tell him to sign up here as a member in addition to all the shaving gear you're getting for him. Not only will he be able to gain knowledge on how to shave, but there's a truckload of info on maintaining gear as well as moral support and encouragement (not to mention just good overall camaraderie).

    One more suggestion- get two razors instead of one if your budget allows. That way, especially if sending one out for honing isn't an option, he'll have a backup to shave with while he learns to hone the other. As Onimaru55 stated earlier, learning to shave with a straight razor AND learning to hone at the same time is a pretty tall order.

    Also, I noticed that you have your location set as Esperance, WA so that means your not all that far from Perth, correct? Maybe one of the members from Perth (edhewitt springs to mind) would be able to meet up with your husband and give him an in person lesson on all things straight razor?
    Hey crouton, I seem to have become infamous, I would suggest that you look up the theme to Henry's cat (a cartoon from the UK ), it will become apparent what my level of knowledge actually is
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  4. #14
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hayzee View Post
    To put it in perspective, if its only half a days drive i consider it "close"!
    My advice is to purchase it and get it sent straight to Oz or similar as i recently purchased one trying to stay with Australian sites but now realized that none of them are shave ready brand new. Otherwise you'll find your husband is like a kid with a RC car and no batteries!

    Hey Hayzee, I just read your location, 'North West of Australia'. Well I've been to Christmas Island, but what's Indonesia like?!

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  5. #15
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    Beautiful, flights arecheaper to go from Perth to Indo than to Karratha! Truckie by trade so am mostly throughout that area although live in Ktown.

    On a side note, sorry for hijacking the thread. But i saw some fairly good deals at The Classic Edge Shaving Store Your Straight Razor Specialists. for starter kits if you can wait for the overseas postage. Wish i had found that one before. They also reportedly come shave ready which IMO is a big plus for a new razor!
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    Esperance is a long way from no where all by itself. Perth is a fair drive away from there. As for learning to hone and shave, I'm living proof it can be done, but I will admit it wasn't the funnest way about it. I would recommend that you have it honed up first time around, by the likes of Onimaru55, just to remove any doubt about the shave-ability of the razor.

    Lots to think about. I have a bit if time so I may order a blade then send it to get honed. Budget....I would like to keep it around $500 for the lot. But since it's for his 30th and I want this to be special not just utilitarian I'm looking for a razor that isn't plastic handled. Is this too much to ask for?? As for creams....I did hit a shave shop in Perth for a good brush and cream and he recommended Taylor of old bond street so that is what he has. He has held off on using it as I know he us waiting to have a straight.
    As for follow up honing I'm sure he will give it a go. He does wet sharpen my Japanese cooking knives and quite enjoys it. I think he should just shave with them as nothing could be sharper!!! (May be a bit long though &#128563
    Strops......wider better? How many does he need?
    Pastes? I guess that goes with many and which ones?
    As to answer the location comments...yes we are in Esperance...not a cattle town but Gillette is the fanciest they get down here. The 750km/480mi used to be a breeze.....add one 8 month old and it all changes! No longer "fun" to jet to the city for a weekend of shopping. (Especially in stores cluttered with blades and specialty items)
    Thanks for the help guys!

  7. #17
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    With that kind of budget you will get a NICE shave ready razor with wooden scales (handles) and a very nice looking strop to match! I havn't found any brand new on Aus sites but the other guys might?

  8. #18
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Plastic scales are more practical IMHO but of course it's your choice. If he sharpens Jknives he won't likely need pastes & may be able to use the same stones he already has. Best to keep it simple in the beginning & most times for that matter.

    One good strop is plenty. Linen & leather. 2.5" - 3" will serve. Bigger is not better nor worse unless poorly constructed.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Sorry for all the confusion everybody... I think Google maps was having a go at me this morning...

    Oh, and ed, I think you know more than you think you know, based on advice I've seen you give others. Also, they say that there's sometimes no better way to learn than to teach.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crouton976 View Post
    Sorry for all the confusion everybody... I think Google maps was having a go at me this morning...

    Oh, and ed, I think you know more than you think you know, based on advice I've seen you give others. Also, they say that there's sometimes no better way to learn than to teach.
    Aww now I have gone all red
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