Hi All!!

Here's a pic of a razor that belongs to my distant cousin (his grandmother's sister was married to my grandfather's brother) HA! Anyway it was his paternal grandfather's.

Anyway there are no markings on the shank at all as it's covered with what I believe is Celluloid and I'm sure that the scales are also Celluloid.

I fully realize the danger of the celluloid degrading and ruining the scales and the blade and I will warn my cuz of the dangers!

It's a 5/8 Squarepoint with very little hone wear.

The only markings on the blade say extra hollow ground underneath of what was an elongated diamond with no visible marking inside it. There is an arrow pointing down from under a small circle in the center of the circle with dots and bars alternating in a semi circle. It does not appear to have once been a full circle.

There are no dates of manufacture or any other markings.

Name:  IMG_0103.jpg
Views: 436
Size:  32.3 KB

I know that it will probably be just another unknown maker but if any of you members out there have or have seen this razor, any help IDing it would be very much appreciated!!
