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  1. #1
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    Default King Of Whiskers

    Hello all,

    New guy here. Just got started with straight razor shaving a few weeks ago, and I am completely and happily hooked. As I've been digging deeper and deeper into what I can find online, I realized that I have yet to see another razor like mine. It's a "King Of Whiskers" labeled blade, apparently made by the Washington Cutlery co. I've attached a picture of it. Anyone know anything about this?

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    I'm looking forward to joining the community here; it looks like an awesome place!

  2. #2
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Washington Cutlery Co

    Here is what I could dig up quickly and a link to the page with more information below

    W. C. Co. stands for "Washington Cutlery Co.," which became Village Blacksmith, a firm that made cutlery, farm knives and tools from the early 1900s through the 1960s in Watertown. The firm went out of business and most of the manufacturing departments became what is today Fischer-Barton.

    Village Blacksmith
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  3. #3
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    Hm. That's interesting.
    Since the blade says both Wisconsin and Germany, I'm wondering if the blade itself was made in Germany, or the razor just assembled there. Either way, it seems to be a good razor that shaves like a dream. It just seems odd that there aren't very many of them online.
    Thanks for the link!

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