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  1. #1
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    Default Left-handed Kamisori? Lezcha / Kanenaga (Mizuike kobo)

    Hey guys I'm wondering if I can get any feedback on these brands/razors. I've been using a Kamisori and practicing honing/stropping, etc with it. Problem is it's a right-handed razors and I'm left handed. This isn't a gigantic problem as my right hand isn't as hopeless as all that, but still it's not exactly comfortable.

    Well obviously I've been thinking of investing in a left-handed Kamisori for a while now. Two I've been looking at are on Ebay; a left-handed, supposedly shave-ready, razor made by a 'master Lezcha,' from the Ukraine. I am a little wary of this, but who knows. The other is, as stated in the title, by Kanenaga brand and presumably the maker is Mizuike Kobo. I know this one is brand new, and selling from a Japanese retailer for a little more than the other. Presumably it will need more honing. Though I highly doubt the other is genuinely shave ready. Still who knows.

    The Lescha razor is about 5 1/2 inches in total length with a roughly 2 inch long blade (measurements based on a scale photo next to a ruler, not exact) while the other is advertised as 1.96 inches (blade) and 6.1 inches total.

    Perhaps someone could recommend other left-handed Kamisoris? I'd prefer to avoid spending a fortune but a couple of hundred dollars is OK.
    Last edited by dadsavage; 11-13-2013 at 02:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Have the same problem, left handedness. I have been able to find one option on the bay for left handed kamisori. Is there a word widely used to describe a left handed kamisori? Or some other way to narrow down the search? Currently looking through all the pics and am having a helluva time finding any.

    Sorry for the necro post but I figured there was no use in making a new thread.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are left handed kamisori but they are rare. During the golden age of straights, in many countries left handedness was discouraged and you were forced to become right handed. I suspect Japan was like that but maybe one of our Japan residents could research that. At any rate, I have seen them. I have an iwasaki and it's a right handed piece and I'm left handed and I've gotten to the point where I can use it fine. It just takes practice.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    well RAD took over and i got a new Mizuike kobo on the way. Found a spot that is a considerable amount cheaper than e bay, and as far as the reviews i could find for the site were concerned, i shouldn't have to worry. I blame my newborn son for this one, I couldnt get back to sleep after his middle of the night meltdown and stumbled across Jim R's youtube kamisori shave, it pretty much alleviated all my apprehensions and questions concerning the blade shape.

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