While sitting and honing a couple razors this weekend (while SWMBO was out of town on work) I often catch myself thinking of the history in all my stable and thought about things like what was the world like 200ish years ago when some of my razors where made....easily over 2000 years of razors lay before me. Like the fact they were no more then what are the equivalent of a toothbrush to us today. Disposable and of no real value other then the task at hand. Could anyone have thought that 200 years later they would be such prized possessions??
I also thought what it would be like or mean to me to find and 150-200+ year old original W&B, Sheffield, Boker, Fischer etc...

That being said, what would be the one razor(just one people) that if you found in an unopened box, would move to your 'unicorn" and all the rest of your life of RAD would be complete?