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Thread: latest R&R razor
12-12-2013, 02:23 PM #1
latest R&R razor
This is the Bismarck I got from the junk/antique store. it was covered with rust but the edge was ok. cleaned and honed. now either my honing is getting much better or this is a good blade. I know when I start to cull my razors and get down to 12-15 blades it will be one I keep. it is a 9/16 and feels good in the hand when in use. I'll hone the hinckel tomorrow and see if it is as good. this was a bloodless morning wish I could take better photos. most folks would look at it in the store and say it
's toast. but for those who want practice and fun with out harming a blade with no defects this is the way to go and not that expensive. this one cost 4.50 dollars. talked him down from 6.
12-12-2013, 03:19 PM #2
Nice grab,,,just watch that point,,,she'll get ya !!