Sorry about the frivolity, Samircanada.

If it has no hone wear, then it must have always been honed with tape on the spine - either that or it has 'freehanded' holding the back up slightly so the spine didn't touch the hone.

It would be interesting to know why the frown is there - bad honing or a kink in the spine.

You can test to see if the spine is warped by laying the blade on the hone, keeping the tang off the edge of the hone so it does not influence results. Put a finger at the tip of the spine and one on the spine at the stabiliser end and see if it rocks. Then turn it over and test the other side. If it rocks on one side and not the other the spine is warped, which might explain the spine being taped or elevated.

If it is warped you have a bit of a job on your hands, not recommended for an inexperienced honer to tackle.
