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Thread: Fake Filly ?

  1. #1
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    Default Fake Filly ?

    I came across this razor the other day and I can't ever remember seeing a Filly without some sort of stamp on the tang. Does anyone here know if this is real or maybe could shed some light on this. Thanks!
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Might be some info in this for you

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  3. #3
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Is this your photo or someone else's? If it's not yours, it coluld just be a trick of the light that you can't see anything on the tang.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Lemur's Avatar
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    It's this one, right?

    Auctiva Image Hosting
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  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    'Fake' could mean many things. It may be made by filarmonica just missing the stamp - factory defect, or different set of blanks not part of their main line. I would bet money that even if it were, without stamp they wouldn't sell it under their brand - no self-respecting company would.

    So, in my view this is not a proper filarmonica razor, even if shaves exactly like one, or even if it is made by them. I'm ready to bet money that the razor was not produced by filarmonica though - those pins are dead giveaway.

    But these razors are no longer made, so I guess there is a market for stuff that resembles them to various degrees.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    That is not a fake! Some of the newer ones did not have the tang stamp.

  7. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I've never seen a 'new' filarmonica without a stamp. The ones classic shaving had some years ago had the brand laser etched on the shank. I don't care what classic shaving called them, they were not proper filarmonica razors. The exact provenance of these razors and their manufacturing was never disclosed, and even if they came from a former filarmonica stockpile they were nowhere close to the manufacturing standards of the real stuff.

    When you buy a dubl duck razor you buy dubl duck, not puma or dovo, regardless of whether it was made by puma or by dovo to the specks pearlduck gave them.

    Quality control is huge part of the brand. If zee-pk or gold dollar got hold of puma rejects or puma leftovers, then finish/repackage them, they are not making puma razors.

    Of course, manufacturing standards and quality control even within the same brand can vary, unfortunately a lot of vintage razors are far better of the later issues by the same brand.

    Or take the new grim razors brand - 99.99% are of very low quality, but the brand was also slapped on several Thiers-Issard razors of much higher quality in an attempt to fool people that the bulk razors are somewhat comparable to the Thiers-Issard and get away with astronomic markups on a $2 razor.

  8. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    If you go to google and search "Classic Shaving Filarmonica" you will find threads on every forum out there about these razors and the other late production Filarmonicas going back quite far at least to 2006...

    Everyone has a story about them, I haven't seen any proof to back up any of these stories bad or good, much opinion and conjecture and "I heard from" but no proof...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 01-04-2014 at 04:30 AM.

  9. #9
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Yeah, that's exactly the problem - they were no real filarmonica - wrong edge profile, without original stamp, blade decoration, box, paperwork, like every other razor. Apparently Classic Shaving's sole concern was to make money, so they wouldn't be upfront and disclose the story.
    And thus everything about them is rumors and speculations, well apart from the obvious and well documented defects on good number of them.

    The other big pile of razors with rumors and speculations is the large Friodurs - again the vendor (in this case shaving shop) wouldn't disclose the story behind them. They had the stamps, so we knew the blanks were legit, but the grind and finish was no Friodur. I have put a bunch of them them next to my vintage friodurs of the same size and the differences in grind, weight, and finish were obvious.

    You don't get this kind of rumors and speculations about say Dovo razors. Even when we had old stock available from Vintage blades (pretty much at the same time of the 'CS filarmonica') those had stamps, boxes, paperwork - everything was clear and legit.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    It's this one, right?

    Auctiva Image Hosting
    Lemur, that's razor I was looking at. I have no idea where you found it (cough, cough), but I am not sure what to do. There is a lot of great information here and I think I'll have to hold out until I can find a stamped Filly that I want. So far I'm doing well on razors, I've got a Engels Leader, a DD Wonderedge, and a DD Goldedge. I can wait till buying another one for now

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