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Thread: What is considered "vintage" in a SR?

  1. #31
    Senior Member showmeshiner's Avatar
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    I like to think if it's older than me it's vintage ;-) so before 88

  2. #32
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by showmeshiner View Post
    I like to think if it's older than me it's vintage ;-) so before 88
    Sounds like your a young whipper snapper If it's older than me it's ANTIQUE

    just kidding of course

  3. #33
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    As the Pantheon of time progresses, I was once a newbe, then a young whipper snapper, than a contemporary, followed by classic (as in he's a classy gent), followed by being a payer of college tuition for the replacements I sired, finally arriving at vintage working toward antique. So, rhensley, depending of your place on the Pantheon I would venture to state that by my standards you are somewhere between classy and payer from my point of view. As a V over A the waters are so muddied because we then have to take in to account what a persons mental, as well as physical ages are to determine whether a snapper of 25 with the intelligence of a 50 year old need to have a category custom crafted for him. But after reading the thread again to this point, IWYWITB - Its What You Want It To Be at any given point in time along with YMMV. Thank you for reading this quasi philosophical drivel.
    Haroldg48 and rhensley like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  4. #34
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    As the Pantheon of time progresses, I was once a newbe, then a young whipper snapper, than a contemporary, followed by classic (as in he's a classy gent), followed by being a payer of college tuition for the replacements I sired, finally arriving at vintage working toward antique. So, rhensley, depending of your place on the Pantheon I would venture to state that by my standards you are somewhere between classy and payer from my point of view. As a V over A the waters are so muddied because we then have to take in to account what a persons mental, as well as physical ages are to determine whether a snapper of 25 with the intelligence of a 50 year old need to have a category custom crafted for him. But after reading the thread again to this point, IWYWITB - Its What You Want It To Be at any given point in time along with YMMV. Thank you for reading this quasi philosophical drivel.
    Believe it or not you make since to me but then I've never been considered balanced

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