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Name:  image.jpg
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Name:  image.jpg
Views: 134
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SRP doesn't like my iPad. This the third time I've tried to post this. I finally got ahold of a Dovo. I was initially impressed by the weight of the blade. Having never physically held a Dovo I was impressed. It has some deep rust spots on both sides, I don't think they go all the way through, and some scale rot on one side. So rescaled it and honed it up. It was one of the best shaves I've had yet. I've honed it up to 12k but I think I need to drop back. It's a hair shy of buttery smooth. I honed it on the norton 1k,4k,8k,and the nani 12k. I'm kinda gun shy, I don't want to screw up the razor. So I know it needs a bit of a touch up but I don't want to screw up what I have.
I got the scales and pins from whipped dog. I wish I would of gotten them for another razor I rescaled, it would of been easier.