I also want to add that I find USA made razors from back then great shavers. Case, Cattaraugas, Torrey, Shumate, Robeson and I'm sure I'm forgetting some great ones. Many of the Solingen razors are equal to ducks ....... Bartmann, Fritz Bracht, Wilhem Mandt, Robert Klaas (kissing cranes) among the lesser known. Merkur and their antecedent Hermes made great straight razors. The Filarmonica are as 'hot' as the ducks, the Henckles Friodurs were real hot for awhile. All fine razors. I've never met a Swedish made razor that wasn't great.

They had to be good to compete. Back then pro barbers were the chief customer base and they shaved many faces back in those days. Get a few and be satisfied with what you have, don't chase the holy grail because it can be a big hole to throw money in. Ask me how I know .......