So after inheriting a stack of my Grandfather's old straight razors, I wanted to buy one for myself - tossed up buying new, but was sort of a bit put off by the prices, feeling that an equivalent razor could be had for a lot cheaper (and therefore a much better WAF) if I bought vintage.

Started crawling through ebay and found this, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it, to my eyes its stunningly beautiful and with a name like Kukri (the traditional Ghurka knife) makes it irresistable.

Kukri Solingen Gebr Rasiermesser Used Straight Razor Usato Rasoio | eBay

Trouble is that I dont know the brand and there is almost nothing on the WWW or this site on it, other than its a 'good razor'. Maybe it was an impulse buy... and maybe its the start of a bad habit...

Can anyone tell me more about it? such as the likely age, the maker, apparent condition of this one, etc?