I'll add a few questions to the discussion. For me the Hart ⅝ round point was my first straight, and the first one I've been using to learn the technique. I also have a Ralf Aust and a TI both in full hollow grind, but have not used them yet. I do find it hard to shave with the Hart. My skin irritate quickly, the burning sensation lasts a long time, not to speak about my neck area which is like combat zone. It got so bad that I've had to put it down and revert back to a DE to let things heal up. How am I supposed to gage the difference between a full hollow and a ¼ hollow grind? Is there a remarkable difference in feel? Although I need to shave every day, I do not have a very heavy beard growth, therefore, all things being equal, would a full hollow be more appropriate and feel better than my current experience? I think it's my technique, but I could be missing something, the skipping and tugging is not good, and in general, the razor burns as I shave, regardless of the cheeks or the neck. Angles plays a role, and I'm learning that, but could the grind not be suited?