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Thread: Are overseas purchase a good idea?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    When I order from overseas, I'm less worried about the dealer, than I am about someone in the shipping/postal side of the transaction. There are a dozen or more people between you and the dealer that will handle your package before it gets to you. Basically I worry more about it getting lost or stolen , than I do about getting a bad product.

    If Poland has what I want, then Poland is where I go to get it.

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    International shipping can always be an issue because of the integrity of certain Postal Services and Insurance can be limited. I don't know about shipping into the U.S but shipping out of the U.S, insurance can be shockingly low unless you use express which can cost 70-80 bucks for a small package.Most wouldn't pay that.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkuchenbecker View Post
    I too have seen that seller. It's not that I don't trust Polish, I am only suspicious of anything "new" via eBay. Besides, the Dovo Best Quality razors are listed at $81 at; and they are a seller I trust as well as Straight Razor Designs and others.

    +2, Jarrod puts a good edge on, ships very quickly, and no Customs to endure. So save $30 or so from an American vendor ..

    That said, I have sent razors & strops to all over, and received soaps, razors, strops from overseas. The devil is the shipping times, and the burden of loss. I have had one incident, some Speick that never arrived from the Fatherland, that was refunded.

    It all comes down to time and money

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