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Thread: Mirror vs. patina

  1. #21
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I guess I'm the opposite side of this equation, I prefer my blades very clean, for here, it's called a mirror finish, for me, it's clean, very clean...I'm don't like the idea of shaving with years of anything coated on. Just not my taste or preference, to each their own I guess. The mirror finish that's put on my blades when I send them out is all done by hand. I always enjoy seeing the water bead off the blade it's been polished so beautifully.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    +1 with Phrank. But I'm also good with Sharptonn's opinion as well. That much is fine. But anything more and I'll have some metal polish out getting that cleaned off. Antiques and rare coins should have patina, I guess, but not my razor.
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  3. #23
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    +1 with Phrank. But I'm also good with Sharptonn's opinion as well. That much is fine. But anything more and I'll have some metal polish out getting that cleaned off. Antiques and rare coins should have patina, I guess, but not my razor.
    Yea, with you...I don't normally consider myself squeamish in any way, but shaving with a hundred years of potential gunk coated on the blade...nope...sorry, ain't gonna do it!

  4. #24
    Member Chris24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Yea, with you...I don't normally consider myself squeamish in any way, but shaving with a hundred years of potential gunk coated on the blade...nope...sorry, ain't gonna do it!
    I hear you but Barbicide is your best friend if potential gunk is what you are worried about. I do that for any new/used razor coming into my rotation for the first time. Mirror or patina it does not matter I just do the same thing.
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  5. #25
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Yea, with you...I don't normally consider myself squeamish in any way, but shaving with a hundred years of potential gunk coated on the blade...nope...sorry, ain't gonna do it!
    LOL, you make it sound as if they are dripping with goo. I do like your razor porn though, you have some of the most beautiful blades.
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  6. #26
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    LOL, you make it sound as if they are dripping with goo. I do like your razor porn though, you have some of the most beautiful blades.
    Thank-you! I take my time to find the right blades, had a few stinkers that you don't see, but all the credit goes to Valery at The Gentleman's Den, I blame him, he does everything by hand, and really takes a blade to the next level.

    And yes, when I get a new blade, it gets a nice cleaning / polishing with Maas first, then a bath in Barbicide for 20 minutes, before it gets sent to Valery, from which I inform him via email or phone - no gunk please! haha

    I guess I can't imagine someone walking into purchase a razor some 100+ years ago and saying, "This razor is far to shiny, is there anything you can about it?"

    Different strokes for different folks...that's what makes it fun!
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  7. #27
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    I don't like a grimy blade by any means but in the same respect I don't really like the mirror brand new look on an old blade either. If its a blade I plan to sell I will get it all off but maybe a tiny speck or two in the the top of the hollow and some here and there on the tang. When I restore my blades for my own personal shaving collection I like an almost mirror finish like almost kind of a haze to the blade. I can see myself but not use it to pick stuff out of my teeth type of look. I guess I'm just an odd ball but its my personal preference its like I get a bit of both I know its clean but the haze reminds me that its been around for a while.

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