Not to pile on in opposition to the OP, but i had a pretty good couple of days at the antique stores. I mentioned earlier in the post about getting 2 pretty nice SRs but didn't mention the $4 Gillette TTO. that was on Thursday. On Saturday, I got in an argument with my GF and left the house with no real destination. After grabbing some lunch I figured 'what the hell, I'll go to an antique store in Providence'. I've been to this particular store a few times and I've gotten some pretty nice razors in the past. Well, after an hour drive, the place is a ZOO. I had to park over a block away! I had no idea what was going on. Well, as I approach the front door, I find out its 'dealer day' a semi annual event where the dealers that rent space are present and there is pretty much a 20% discount throughout the store. AWESOME!! So, I find the cases where there are usually some razors...nothing I haven't already seen before I ask one of the guys that work there if there are anymore razors and he points me in the direction of a gentleman dealing with a few customers. I wait my turn and introduce myself. We talk razors for a couple of minutes and he unlocks his display case for me. I pick and poke and find a nice big 7/8 german blade but not much else. Then he says 'take a look at this' and pulls a large roll out with about an additional 30 razors!! Again I pick and poke and find 2 Wm Greaves, a dame,stoddard and kendall and a jm schmid and son...each one 20% off and not too pricey to begin with!!! All in all a very good 2 days of hunting!! (sorry so wordy...still a bit excited!) Pics below:

(right to left, top to bottom)
JA Henckles, the king of all razor (j bestgen Boston) ,Gebr meis (romo), dame stoddard and Kendall, jm schmid and son, Gillette tto, greaves sheaf works, greaves cast steel
