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Thread: Dubl Duck Models

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Here is a little something for your memory Bigspendur :<0)
    Are these original scales ???

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    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  2. #22
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes those are the original scales and in person they have a strange sort of optical effect.Unfortunately I had to trash them on mine because they started to gas.Also originally the spine and neck of the razor was gold plated.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Some of the mix in the scales is more transparent so it kind of looks like you can see down in it. Certain light makes it look like it changes colors or hue might be a better term. The only gold left on my tang is near/under the pivot area. Maybe someday I can fix that. The spine too eh ? *making notes****
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    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #24
    Member eezee's Avatar
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    Man, this is great. So much knowledge! Thank you for sharing.

    As I said earlier, I just received a DD Goldedge. It is in great condition but the blade is not shave ready. I've stropped it and even put it on a cloth with some crOx but no dice. In this case, because I am still quite new to honing, would you guys go back and set the bevel with a coarse grit stone? Mine would be a King 1000. Could I step back to just my Naniwa 10K? I have a feeling that I need to go all the way back and set the bevel but I just wanted you sage advice.

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    If you are looking for that razor to come close to the ducks reputation you should send it out. No offense intended, but you did say you are a new honer. It takes a while to be able to put a wicked edge on a razor. If you send it out to get honed you will get it back with all the amazingness that ducks reputation is based on. It really does take a while before your honing hits the top shelf.
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  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Rezdog gives good advice :<0) If you do attempt this on your own then I would say go back to bevel set and do it right. But I am just going by what it sounds like. Knowing what a bevel is supposed to look like and having a nice loupe to see it makes a big difference. If you use the 10k and it doesn't do the trick go all the way back. If you have a good progression of stones and you know what REAL shave ready feels like,I say give it a go. If you don't you will never learn. On the other hand I would use a couple of less expensive razors to try the progression on first. Worst case scenario you have to send it out anyway. Just don't break it :<0)
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    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  7. #27
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The question is, do you know what you are doing? if you want the razor to shave well you need to be able to access what it needs and do the work. Maybe it needs the bevel and maybe it doesn't. I wouldn't always go back to the bevel on every razor I had. Personally I just do what it needs so I agree with some of the others who say send it out.

    If you want to play around and practice get an Eboy special.
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  8. #28
    Member eezee's Avatar
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    I have experimented on two Robert Klaas razors and a Puma #91. Honed all three and have shaved with all three. No irritation, cuts, or nicks. I went ahead this evening and set the bevel on the Gold Edge on the 1000. Will do a shave with it this Sunday and report back my impressions.

  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I'm not trying to be a pain in the tax pain spot, however I am wondering if you have a benchmark razor that you have gotten honed by someone very reputable. I have had several. When I can consistently hone to that level, I seek another. Right now my bench mark is a Tim Zowda razor and one that I got honed by a friend who is very good also. It keeps me striving for the best. I hope if you don't have a benchmark you get one. They have one wonders for my honing.
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  10. #30
    Member eezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I'm not trying to be a pain in the tax pain spot, however I am wondering if you have a benchmark razor that you have gotten honed by someone very reputable. I have had several. When I can consistently hone to that level, I seek another. Right now my bench mark is a Tim Zowda razor and one that I got honed by a friend who is very good also. It keeps me striving for the best. I hope if you don't have a benchmark you get one. They have one wonders for my honing.
    I have two that i compare. Both were bought from fellow member over at the Badger & Blade. The first is a Wusthof-Dreizach 11/16 and the second is a Le Grelot 6/8. Everything that I have done is compared to those two razors.
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