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Thread: Selecting a custom razor.
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06-12-2014, 08:16 PM #1
Selecting a custom razor.
I'm curious to hear what you all think of the process of aquiring a custom built, one of a kind, razor.
Me, I have a slightly different approach from most of my friends on here.
I rarely custom order them.
Sure, I have a handful of them that I have ordered to my specs.
But in honesty, one of the most fun parts in my hobby of collecting, and using, custom razors, is to shop around at all the webshops, auction sites and classifieds out there looking for something that just speaks to me.
Now, I don't mean to come off as a spoiled brat with too much money on my hands or anything.
The thing is, so many of my customs were razors that would never have been thought out by me.
And yet, some of those are now among my favorite shavers.
Discovering new talent and new or different designs is so much fun to me.
That, and I'm one impatient bugger
How about you lads, any process or inspiration that decides on your purchases in the fun world of custom razors?
Perhaps inspired by a favorite vintage style?
Or a maker that designs stuff that really gets your motor running and your wallet to burn?
Please share!Bjoernar
Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....