I bit the bullet and bought a G&F razor, model and blade size in subject line. I got it Thursday. Anyways, this is my review I posted on another site. I've tried posting a picture on here but haven't had much luck.

Ok, I got the beast honed. A solid 3-4 hours starting on a 1k Chosera, 5 and 8k super stone, and the 3 welsh slate set. It's a smiling razor, so I had to learn rolling x strokes. I was able to get a solid edge on all of the blade except a section about the width odd my index finger toward the heel. However, all I've ever really done with the heel of a razor is cut myself, so I'm not too upset by this. I did a shave and was impressed. Actually, it felt better than the Case and "Guaranteed" razors I've been using. Also is the heaviest.
Likes: Solid razor. Feels like a good razor. Definitely a smooth cutter one honed up and stopped.

Observation: This one needed some fit and finish. The blade wasn't polished at the factory. The blade had a subtle smile to it. Not a problem to me.

Dislikes: While there was a bevel on the blade, it was way too steep and had to be done away with on the hone.

In my not quite so humble opinion, a little more finish work, and this would be a great razor! So far, I'm impressed.