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Thread: picked up a Feather SS yesterday!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    Default picked up a Feather SS yesterday!!

    just received my first Feather SS from SRD in the mail yesterday! Been looking at these for months but didn't want to spend the money.

    I've been shaving with a traditional straight for about a year and get GREAT shaves, i have honed my own razors with excellent success as well but i thought it would be nice to have a disposable blade razor for those times even i don't really have the time for honing and stropping.

    definitely looking forward to my first shave, i do have a BlueBeards revenge shavette that I've always had very good shaves with using Derby blades, but I'm really looking forward to experiencing the difference with a high quality disposable blade razor! i bought both the Feather Professional Super blades, as well as the Feather Pro-guard blades so it will be interesting to see how each of them feel!

    i REALLY wanted the Feather DX with the Teakwood scales but i really couldn't drop $250, hopefully i won't regret that choice haha
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    Hope you like the Feather AC experience.

    Don't be surprised if the first shaves are below expectations, as several factors come into play.

    AC blades are hellish sharp and reach optimum smoothness only after the first few shaves and your technique (muscle memory) needs to adjust to the new tool.

    Coming from a straight razor this should not be too difficult.

    But I never "got" the idea of the Feather AC blades with the wire-guard.
    I started with PRO blades and stuck with them, don't see any need to put a wire between my skin and the blade.
    To my way of thinking it flies into the face of the idea of getting a close shave.

    But that's just me....


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    Senior Member Boarder277's Avatar
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    yes i tend to feel the same way when i looked closely at the Pro-Guard blades, perhaps it's because I'm so use to a traditional straight but the little wires just seem weird to me.

    i am eager to try it tonight, has anyone tried both the Feather SS and the Feather DX?

    I tend to always get the best when i buy something but i couldn't afford that extra $150 for the DX. Does anybody know if i will be "missing out" by going with the Feather SS and not the more expensive DX?

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Ive tried both! You can get, or make, a pair of custom scales for a lot less than the extra cost.
    Don't worry, the mechanics are the same.
    I have used both Pro and Pro Guard blades and for my face the "Guard" gives the best shave free of hassle. I have used, and often use, most of the products out there kamisori, straights, shavettes, DE and SE, and antiques.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boarder277 View Post
    yes i tend to feel the same way when i looked closely at the Pro-Guard blades, perhaps it's because I'm so use to a traditional straight but the little wires just seem weird to me.

    i am eager to try it tonight, has anyone tried both the Feather SS and the Feather DX?

    I tend to always get the best when i buy something but i couldn't afford that extra $150 for the DX. Does anybody know if i will be "missing out" by going with the Feather SS and not the more expensive DX?
    I have both the DX with resin scales and DX with teak scales - no SS though.

    I thought long and hard whether to order my first DX, or the SS instead.
    Going through the available reviews and comments, I felt that the DX replicates more closely a straight razor; and this is what I essentially wanted: a razor for my frequent travels that came as close to a conventional straight razor as possible.

    I was so smitten by the DX that I ordered a second one for home (the first one lives in my suitcase, ready to go any time) and finally the teak one.

    Regarding the teak one, I find that I reach more often for the one with the resin scales.
    It has more heft than the teak model, feels more balanced in my hands and I somehow worry less about water ingression into the wood - if that should ever become an issue with the razor's resinated teak wood handle.

    Last edited by beluga; 08-29-2014 at 03:39 PM. Reason: typo

  6. #6
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    The Feather is an experience, indeed. Through the years, I have experienced the range of these Feather razors with replaceable blades and loved them all. Quality oozes from these razors, all great shavers, with impeccable fit and finish. Currently, I only have the DX pearl and that's all I need. As beluga noted, the DX replicates more the traditional straight razor than does the SS. Still, both are superb shavers. Yes, they cost more than may other razors in the same category, but the money is worth spending.
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    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    Been using a Feather SS on and off for about a month now. I don't like the shaves with a new blade - they're actually TOO sharp. After about 4-5 shaves they settle in nicely. I enjoy my straights more, but the Feather is nice for when I don't have time for and can't carry strops.
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  9. #8
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    I've tried the DX folding, SS fixed and folding, RG fixed, CJB Fixed and folding and the Kai Excella Fixed.

    Blades? Dorco Super, Feather Pro, Pro Guard, Kai Guard, Kai Mild PINK, Kai - pre Pink, skipped the Feather Super and the Feather Mild so far.

    What do I use? First choice is the DX Resin Folding with Kai PINK blades.
    The balance is much closer to a "regular" straight. (for me)
    The shank profile - beefy, squarish and with jimps is (for me) a much better feel/control than the SS style.
    I have not tried a RG folding but I believe it has the same profile as the DX, just a different material.

    Like all of the wet shaving world (DE, Shavette, Straight, Feather and variants) this is all very YMMV.

    For a travel kit (checking bag, driving or shipping/stashing on site) I have found this to be the best travel solution. A razor and 40 weeks of blades (20 pack with two weeks a blade) taking up about as much room as a toothbrush holder and a small pack of gum. No strop, no barbers hone, no spare razor(s).

    It does take some time to master. (3-7 shaves if you have been using a Straight...others?)
    Keeping the pressure to an absolute minimum seems to help. Use your "standard" Straight razor pressure and angle and you will get weepers and a chance to feel some burn.

    Landing errors are the next problem, you are not Maverick and you are not slamming your F-15 to the deck trying to hit the second wire...I'm just sayin'...

    It's a great system. If you travel, need/want to keep your kit as small as possible for whatever reason (Strop(s), Hone(s), Pasted/Balsa etc. all go away in a Feather only Shave Den) this is a solution to look at.
    Would I rather pull out my W&B Celebrated Hollow Ground FBU or one of my other "little friends"? You betcha...but I'm not taking them on the road for a host of reasons and I want to shave with a Straight if there is any way to do that, even when I travel.

    Smooth Shaving...
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  10. #9
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Just echoing, Feather + synthetic brush = easy travel. I'm currently away from home as we speak (anybody at the Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa currently drop by the Allis-Chalmers Corliss steam engine and say Hello ) and it's a dandy little travel rig.

    PS- I like the Pro Guard blades with the Feather just fine. See signature
    Last edited by entropy1049; 08-30-2014 at 03:07 AM.
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