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Thread: Dubl Duck found in Lancaster, CA

  1. #1
    Member shallard's Avatar
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    Default Dubl Duck found in Lancaster, CA

    Good day,

    For any interested parties, I have found a couple of Dubl Duck razors in an antique store of Lancaster, CA. One of them had a couple of nicks in the blade, so I did not seriously consider buying it. The second one had a nice looking edge on it, and the scales were in good condition. It would not take much to make it nice and shiny, but the biggest detractor was that it had a significant amount of hone wear. On the plus side, the price was only $35.

    I was seriously considering buying this razor because I remember some members here saying that any Dubl Duck is a good razor, but I ended up getting an S.R.Droescher No.79 razor instead. The S.R.D. had practically no hone wear, just a bit of rust that I have since buffed-out. Looking forward to trying it out!

    Anyway, this all happened last week, and I'm assuming both Dubl Duck razors are still available, if anybody is interested. Quick, before I change my mind and go back for it!


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    SR Droescher put out some very good razors. On some of them you can see the makers mark of who actually made the razors. I have seen a few with the tuning fork of Grah and Plumacher. As far as I am concerned you can't go wrong there.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    I have had a few SR Droescher pass through and I kept one. All of them took excellent edges. Very good steel.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  4. #4
    Member beavisd's Avatar
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    I have two S.R.D razors, a Gold Bug and a No.79, and they're both really good razors! They both take a great edge. The Gold Bug is one of my favorite razors with its translucent orange scales. I'm sure you'll enjoy that No 79.
    Illegitimi non carborundum

  5. #5
    Member shallard's Avatar
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    Thanks for the words of encouragement for the S.R.D. No79! I finally got around to honing it and shaved with it for the first time yesterday. Very nice, even with my limited honing experience. It took a bit more work than I thought to get some rust pits out of the bevel (I only have a Norton 4/8) but the end result was good!

    I was expecting the Dubl Ducks to generate more discussion or interest, just because I know it's a sought after brand. I didn't think to take pictures of the razors when I was there last time, but next time I'm in the area, I'll try to snap a few pics and post them here.


  6. #6
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Didnt Happen, No Pictures
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  7. #7
    Member shallard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrilliumLT View Post
    Didnt Happen, No Pictures
    Valid point.
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  8. #8
    Member shallard's Avatar
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    OK, so I finally got around to getting pictures of those Dubl Ducks I mentioned earlier. Also, the store had many razors, and I mis-spoke about the excessive hone-wear on one of the Ducks, that was actually another razor. Lets see if these pictures work...

    So the first three pictures should be the one in better condition, not too much rust at all, just a bit of tarnish/patina at first glance. However, the blade seems to be narrower at the toe, with perhaps a small amount of frown. I did not examine the geometry extremely closely for a detailed analysis... $35 is what the store is asking.

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    The next two pictures are from the Duck that had some fairly deep chips in the edge of the blade. Can't remember the price

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    The last pictures show what the store has left in stock, and the S.R.D.No79 that I brought home. It had two rust spots on one side of the blade, about the size of a dime each, and a bit of rust on the bevel. I polished the blade and re-honed it to get rid of all the rust, and I've used it twice now with great success! The box is what came with the razor, although it may not be the authentic, original box... $45 is what I paid.

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    Last edited by shallard; 12-21-2014 at 04:44 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Now with Pictures you can say that it really happened. The Droescher is very nice. Ducks are always sought after, those need some love and attention. Offer them $25 and see if they bite. If the scales have brass you remove the rust somebody will always want them.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Nice Droescher, they are great shavers, you got the better of the bunch.

    While Duck are collectable, they do have issues. That one looks like there may be something with the blade, it looks a little frowning, but could be fixed.

    Those Duck scales are the type, that go off with cell rot, so I would re-scale it ASAP. If you are not prepared to do that, then pass. The ones that are really collectable are the larger blades and with the bolsters on the scales.

    Actually when you start off, I would pay a bit more and buy nice razors, like your SRD, condition is more important than brand name. You are money way ahead in the long run.

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