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Thread: Tuf - Gluide lube

  1. #1
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    Default Tuf - Gluide lube

    Sometime back I read several threads on rust prevention and came away with the idea of using Tuf - Glide lube.
    Time passed and I finally got some for Christmas.
    To my surprise the packing says it not an oil.
    They call it a dry lube. I guess the liquid carrier evaporates.
    I can't picture a dry lube as a rust preventer.
    Plus, I had hopes of keeping a small oil soaked patch for a daily swipe
    at the razor just used. I don't think a dry lube patch would work well like that.
    Any thoughts on the handy patch approach?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    It does not leave an oily residue on your blade. It came in a little plastic jar. I leave it in there and it stays moist. I just unscrew the lid , pull out some of the material and swipe. It works from what I have heard from a friend that has used it for years. I haven't had any problems with rust so far :<0)
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  3. #3
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Saturate your cloth with Tuf Glide, then when you think your cloth is no longer "wet", spray it with Rem Oil or similar lube as a carrier. Store it in a ziplock sandwich bag or Tupperware container. Works for me..........
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  4. #4
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    I'm not positive, but I think it's a silicone product. I have it, but I just can't get past the smell.

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    The smell is pretty strong but it is what it is. I just use it quickly and wash my hands. Works well for me so far.


  6. #6
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    Whatever the lubricant is, it seems to be suspended in mineral spirits, hence the smell. Don't be eating any cheese puffs until you wash your hands after use.
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  7. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    It reminds me of the smell of cosmoline. Still, 3 drops will treat an entire blade and if wiped off immediately, hands washed, it works better than anything I have seen and smell goes as wiped off. Not to be smeared on and left on like oil. It is to be applied and wiped off. JUST ONCE! I use one application, no issues for years and years. I think the 'micro bonding' claim is accurate.

    I often wonder if some are not using it as designed and are smearing it on after each shave?
    Last edited by sharptonn; 12-27-2014 at 04:53 PM.
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  8. #8
    lz6 is offline
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    I use it from the smaller drippers. A few drops and wipe down on straight blades and
    I use it on many contact points on my hand gun cleaning.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    I've been using Tuf-Glide and cloth on my knives for about 4 years. DON'T BUY IT AS A LUBRICANT FOR FOLDERS. It is advertised as a lube I think and that's what I bought it for as well as corrosion prevention for my pocket knives. IMO it is the WORST lubricant on the planet. However, it seems to be one of the best products for corrosion prevention. I've been using the Tuf-Cloth to wipe my razor blades off after shaving or stropping. Expecially after honing. I figure the stones remove all the protection along with the steel. I have a 4 oz. bottle to mist my tuf-cloth when it starts to dry out. You need to keep the wet tuf-cloth in a sealed container to keep the cloth from drying out too fast. It comes in either a foil zip-lock bag or I got one in a small plastic jar with a lid. I prefer the jar. The foil bag can crack or split.

    Good product for corrosion control. Poor lubricant. Just my opinion. For the record lots of knife guys agree with this opinion.


  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Thought I would add something here because of the other posts. Mine came like this and the first time I used it I couldn't eat Cheetos for a week :<0) Then I set the little saturated rag so that it pops up when I open the lid.

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    Would not be hard for you guys to set this up and you never have to touch the stuff. It seals great so having had it a year or so I have never had to do anything but swipe and go. 100+ razors and haven't even adjusted the cloth but twice. And that was just to make sure I was getting plenty on the razor.

    I can wipe the tang and use tweezers for the thrust washers before I assemble to pin. No mess no fuss and I can now eat Cheetos while I apply it :<0)
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