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Thread: You guys got to help me....

  1. #11
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Welcome Saul,

    Take a ride down to Cape some time and we'll make some scary sharp edges you can take home and measure.

    Have fun!

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Show us some pictures of your collection,,,,we all love pics of scary sharp razors,,,,
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorSaul View Post
    First off I have a full beard. Yet, I'm addicted to some really nice straight razors, Dovo, Gold Dollar, Monkey Dollar,a d someAsian jjunk, but I don't shave with them. I enjoy honing them to "scary" sharpness, and enjoy redesigning the crappy Chinese razors. For me it is like therapy, but I think its getting out of control. I keep ordering more and more razors, my collection is already up to 8 with about a dozen more on order or coming from Chinese vendors. Also, besides a full array of whetstones, I keep adding to the pile whenever something new comes out. I just purchased a slew of new stones as well as new strops and diamond and CBN slurries. I also have a digital microscope to view and inspect edges and make measurements and calculations. Do you think I have an obsession?... or should I just enjoy my hobby? Actually, I think I know the answer, but I thought I get some reinforcement from the forum where similar minded devotees hang out.

    I'm a retired Ph.D with lots of time on my hands (although I do quite a bit of consulting) and find the science of honing is quite interesting, especially if one gets into the geometry of what constitutes a really "scary" sharp edge. Some of my recent findings are applicable to knife edges, which is making my wife at least tolerating my honing interest.
    What you should do is offering your honing services for free.

    Hundreds of us would send you our razors and you would end up with an insane amount of razors to be honed, zero spending, your addiction completely fulfilled and making a lot of people happy. It is a win-win situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Show us some pictures of your collection,,,,we all love pics of scary sharp razors,,,,
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  4. #14
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    Thanks, Lynn. I've learned much from your videos. I'm pretty well house-bound with osteoarthritis, but if I ever do get out it would be a easy trip down to Cape G. for a visit. I'm hopeful for improvement, or joint replacement may be in the cards for me. Meanwhile, if you've noticed, I'm becoming one of your best customers.
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  5. #15
      Lynn's Avatar
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    The door is always open.

    Joint replacements are not bad. I have had both hips done. Before going to the metal, I was having trouble walking even a block. Much better now and back in the gym.

    Best of luck!!

    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorSaul View Post
    Thanks, Lynn. I've learned much from your videos. I'm pretty well house-bound with osteoarthritis, but if I ever do get out it would be a easy trip down to Cape G. for a visit. I'm hopeful for improvement, or joint replacement may be in the cards for me. Meanwhile, if you've noticed, I'm becoming one of your best customers.
    JimmyHAD, Siguy and engine46 like this.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    It is how I got started in razors many years ago, chasing edges on knives and woodworking tools and shaved with one razor for years.

    Then one day, in the 80’s I walked into an antique store with my new bride and found pristine vintage razors for a dollar or two.

    I have spent much more money and time on other hobbies, cars, motorcycles and guns so in comparison, a few thousand dollars a year is not a big deal.

    Besides… that is what you saved you money for… enjoy.
    engine46 likes this.

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    The door is always open.

    Joint replacements are not bad. I have had both hips done. Before going to the metal, I was having trouble walking even a block. Much better now and back in the gym.

    Best of luck!!
    Yep, I know how the medical conditions go! I haven't had to have any hips replaced yet but I can possibly see it in the future. I can feel it. I already have metal in my back & this last time in the ER the other day, the nurse said, "you've got a lot of broken bones".................& I was starting to freak out but then she said, "in the past, i can see where you've had a lot of bones broken" & I took a deep breath & was able to relax. Although these things happen, we can't give up on our bodies because if we do, they'll give up on us! Ya gotta keep on keeping' on!!!! We aren't so young anymore & the healing process just takes a little longer..................

  8. #18
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    Good to hear another success story on hip replacement. My hips are in fairly good shape... my shoulders, however, are in really bad shape as is one knee joint. I'm quite apprehensive about getting my shoulder joints replaced, the very thought of taking my arm joint off my body to replace the joints is a little unsettling to me. My sister had it done (both shoulders, one at a time) and she thinks I'm a "sissy". Perhaps so, but the procedure just scares the heck out of me.

    It is amazing how the body deteriorates after about 60 years.... and I was very careful to keep fit and not abuse my joints or muscles.
    Last edited by DoctorSaul; 12-29-2014 at 05:39 PM. Reason: corrected wording

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorSaul View Post
    It is amazing how the body deteriorates after about 60 years.... and I was very careful to keep fit and not abuse my joints or muscles.
    Like I always say ...... If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have took better care of myself ...........
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorSaul View Post
    Good to hear another success story on hip replacement. My hips are in fairly good shape... my shoulders, however, are in really bad shape as is one knee joint. I'm quite apprehensive about getting my shoulder joints replaced, the very thought of taking my arm joint off my body to replace the joints is a little unsettling to me. My sister had it done (both shoulders, one at a time) and she thinks I'm a "sissy". Perhaps so, but the procedure just scares the heck out of me.

    It is amazing how the body deteriorates after about 60 years.... and I was very careful to keep fit and not abuse my joints or muscles.
    I don't blame you one bit Jimmy. We aren't getting younger & we have to take care of ourselves but I'm tired of other people not being responsible enough for their own actions. I'm sitting in a doctor's office right now for a physical for a job requirement but it isn't going to do any good. It's a waste of time since they won't let me work anymore & make no more than $740 per month or it will affect my monthly payment I get. I'm not going to mention anything else because the other day I did make a comment that was wrong on my part & I'm very sorry I made it. Someone else initially posted a comment that I replied to but I'm never afraid to admit when I'm wrong. I'm A moderator on Linkedin's Harley Owner's Group & I have to set a good example for others so I must keep myself a good guy & not let others comments affect anything I say.
    Getting my shoulders replaced, I'd be worried about that as well as I already feel like Evel Knievel after all I've been through! I'll feel more comfortable when I get back home in my comfort zone. Even Mapquest gave me the wrong directions to get here. I Wish these people would hurry up, I have to be at this other appointment soon! Hang in there my friend, everything will be okay. We just gotta take it one day at a time!

    By the way, I sent everyone on my friends list a Christmas greeting on that day & I just heard from Zak (Voidmonster) last night. It seems he has been in the hospital for a few days (since the 19th) so any of you who know him & don't know about this, send him a get well message! I think he spent Christmas in the hospital! I just glad he is ok!
    Last edited by engine46; 12-30-2014 at 02:11 AM.

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