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Thread: My mini-razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Default My mini-razor

    I got a couple of old razors on ebay with the intention of trying my hand at restoring them. One of them has a blade length of 2.5". I got a pretty good edge on it and I've shaved with it. The handle is a little shorter than my others and thinner too. When shaving I can feel a definite difference in the weight. I have to say I enjoy shaving with it. I really like how light the handle is. I want to find a handle material that is really light. I plan on doing as good a job as I can removing all corrosion (isn't much) and making a handle for it. It may become a favorite. I've already sanded most of the corrosion off the blade area. I'll remove the handle and finish the tang when I get the new handle material. Anyone got any suggestions of lighter handle material? A light weight wood maybe? Wonder if there is any stabilized balsa around?

    I really enjoyed the smaller razor. I have two other razors that I have considered cutting down the blade length. Maybe even down to 2" just for fun.

    Got me to thinking what other sizes have been made? Anyone out there know? Bet someone does.

    Last edited by Jack0458; 12-30-2014 at 12:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Yellowheart is a pretty light wood.
    PLEASE do NOT cut down a good razor to make a shorty.
    There are PLENTY of chipped blades on the bay for you to mess around with.
    Grab one of those and do what you want with them.

    You also have to think of BALANCE.
    You can't have super light scales and a heavy blade.
    Does NOT make a good combo.
    NOT comfortable to shave, strop or hone.

    Just my two cents.
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  3. #3
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    You can also find those chipped blades in antique shops and flea markets. As Chev says, don't butcher a good razor.
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    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Do you have any pictures of the 2.5" razor? Was it cut down to that size? Anything on side of blade? I ask because Korn made a small razor "The Real". They take a great edge also.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bouschie View Post
    Do you have any pictures of the 2.5" razor? Was it cut down to that size? Anything on side of blade? I ask because Korn made a small razor "The Real". They take a great edge also.
    I started a thread called "First razor restore project". Pictures are there. I just put a post there with the newest picture of the razor without a handle. There is nothing on the handle to indicate manufacturer or maker.

    I won't shorty a good 3" razor.


    Now that I think of it I don't know why I started two threads.
    Last edited by Jack0458; 12-30-2014 at 02:50 AM.

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